Amy Proal, PhD Profile picture
Microbiologist at @polybioRF: studying how persistent pathogens drive inflammaging, mitochondrial dysfunction & cognitive decline #longcovid #lyme #alzheimers

Sep 3, 2019, 9 tweets

This same pattern applies to much of the #microbiome community 👉 It’s hard to challenge the “consensus” that the human brain, CSF + womb are “sterile”...when the #NIH barely funds such topics, and novel results from privately funded studies are repeatedly blocked in peer-review

Example 👉 Robert Moir’s novel finding that #amyloid beta functions a potent antimicrobial peptide strongly suggests that communites of #pathogens persist in the #Alzheimer’s brain☝️But read how often his papers have been blocked in peer review:…

Quote from the article 👉 “The first journal [Moir] submitted his results to, #Science, “looked like they would take it,”....But after what editors told him was “a consultation with our #Alzheimer’s disease experts,” it rejected the paper. So did three other journals.”

It sure doesn’t help that there is a well-known group of researchers in the #Alzheimer’s community who have made it their mission to shut down Moir’s + related team’s research on the role of persistent CNS infection in the disease:…

Or take Judith Miklossy’s excellent work on #Borrelia biofilms in the #Alzheimer’s brain 👉 She’s “been dismissed as an “idiot” and denied funding, she continues to pursue spirochetes as an instigating factor in Alzheimer’s disease”:…

Or Ruth Itzhaki’s work on #herpesviruses in the Alzheimer’s brain 👉 Here she says, “Over the 20-to-25 years that I’ve been doing the work, our group has had extreme difficulties [getting funding] nearly all the time—we’ve been working on a shoestring”:…

You know what is moving forward in the #Alzheimer’s (AD) community? 👉 Yet another $$$ trial for a drug aimed at removing #amyloid beta from the AD brain...despite the fact that 200+ drug trials w/ that same general mechanism of action have failed in a…

Not only did these 200+ drug trials aimed at removing amyloid from the #Alzheimer’s brain fail in a row 👉 Many were terminated early b/c patients got WORSE on the drugs☝️See below for examples of how 3 such drug trials resulted in toxicity + worsening of cognitive symptoms

Einstein once said 👉 “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”☝️ Please keep that in mind, or we run the risk of further failing #patients w/ Alzhiemer’s + related neuroinflammatory conditions tied to persistent infection

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