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Dec 16, 2019, 21 tweets

[Thread #migration #Niger]

Two years ago, UNHCR established for the 1st time an Emergency Evacuation Transit Mechanism (ETM) for the evacuation of #refugees from detention in #Libya to #Niger.

The full agreement between UNHCR & Niger is available here:…

Since 2017, more than 2,900 refugees and asylum-seekers have been evacuated to #Niger, but while EU has promised to provide safe pathways & EU countries have agreed to host them, the resettlement promises are not respected.

By August, only 59 %, (1,723 people) have been resettled, but what will happen to those that do not meet resettlement requirements remains unclear.

Without access to resettlement these people are left in a limbo rather than with a sustainable solution.


Additional self-evacuated #refugees (mainly Sudanese) have arrived alone to Niger, from #Libya, but also #Sudan & #Chad. Hostility towards the newcomers cumulated in the deportation of 135 Sudanese back to Libya in May 2018, a breach of the non-refoulement principle.

People arriving to Niger are clearly seeking security, but many are influenced by misinformation "asylum application in #Niger would quickly lead to resettlement in #Europe".

Other were exploited in the Djado gold mines in the northeastern #Agadez region, that closed in 2017.

#Niger UNHCR has opened a camp called ‘transit centre’ in Hamdallaye, 40 km from #Niamey. Refugees have previously protested the dire conditions in the new transit centres, including food and water-shortages and a lack of medical care.

#Niger Simultaneously, a second camp, called “humanitarian centre”, has been opened outside #Agadez, where the so-called “self-evacuated” #Sudan|ese #refugees have been hosted. Imagine being dumped in the desert, in the middle of nowhere. At least 3 people have attempted suicide.

Today, a thousand people, mainly Sudanese originally from Darfur, decided to march to @UNHCRNiger office in #Agadez. They are worried about their future as many of them say they are just a "case number" at the UNHCR.

Sudanese refugees in #Niger say they are traumatised, exhausted, & have no glimmer of hope. They feel isolated (approximately 15 km from the city) without education & health services. They decided to march to @UNHCRNiger office in Agadez to ask for a decent life.

#Niger This situation is happening in a context where EU states are externalising the process of asylum claims.

Refugees fleeing wars & persecution have to stay in Limbo for months or even years before they could ever set foot on European soil + long-term solutions are absent.

#Niger Hundreds of #Sudan|ese began a sit-in outside @UNHCRNiger in #Agadez. The group includes women, children, newborns & elderly + ppl from Cameroon, Sierra Leone & Central Africa. Many had lived their entire life in refugee camps & are asking protection in a 3rd country.

According to UNHCR Representative @UNHCR_Morelli, #Niger has opened its doors & Sudanese asylum seekers are allowed to stay & ask asylum. "Resettlement is not a right. It's a protection mechanism, available to a small number of very vulnerable people".…

To what extent the UNHCR/EU sponsored evacuation program (ETM) acted as a pull factor?

Many travelled down from #Libya & #Chad after the news spread online. It is very likely that many mistook the ETM for a resettlement procedure available to all asylum seekers in #Niger.

While #Niger has become the target of international attention & fundings, interesting to read this report from @Clingendaelorg for a better #HumanRights & #peace-building approach to migration governance in the Sahel.…

#Sudan|ese refugees & asylum seekers still protesting outside @UNHCRNiger in #Agadez demanding to expedite their resettlement procedures & denouncing conditions in the UN desert camp located in the middle of the desert lacking “the simplest means of life” as well as education.

@UNHCRNiger UPDATE: #Sudan|ese #refugees #Agadez

Since 16.12.19 hundreds have been asking @UNHCRNiger better humanitarian & health support + clarification on resettlement & registration (as files were lost).

17 days later, refugees are arrested/forced in camp in the desert, now destroyed.

.@UNHCRNiger has been repeatedly asking to return to the camp before dealing with any demands + #Agadez local authorities sent several warnings. #Sudan|ese #refugees refused to leave the sit-in.

Early 4 January, the process started peacefully with arrival of local authorities.

#Agadez Slowly the tension started to increase. Local authorities started to load #Sudan|ese #refugees onto trucks & other that refused were beaten. "They told us you have to go back to the camp, if you refuse we will have to use force.

Another video received from a #Sudan|ese #refugee in #Agadez revealing harrowing details. I couldn't verify if the person in the video is still alive.

'It was very brutal. We life under constant torture & repression, from #Sudan to #Libya and now #Niger".

#Agadez While a group of around 200 people was arrested, other are back in the UN camp in the desert, including women and children.

Not clear yet how the camp was set ablaze. UN mentioned was destroyed as a sign of protest, #Darfur|i refugees say tear gas were used against them

#Agadez A former UNHCR staff says the project in the desert was lacking planning & accountability. Another UN staff in #Niger says the #refugees only want to go to the #EU, they can stay in #Niger as they have protection there.

The EU's migration obsession & the new EU border ⬇️

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