@Dystopia - #StandWithHongKong Profile picture
Human Rights Activist, Revolutionist - #HongKongProtests 🇭🇰 #FridaysForFreedom

Dec 24, 2019, 7 tweets

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Love from #HongKongers ❤️🎅🏻

(Check out this thread to know each of the character🇭🇰😉)

#ChristmasIsComing #HongKong

Credit: @appledaily_hk

— Office Lady in “Lunch with You” Rally, Central, #HongKong’s CBD.

Photo by @StandNewsHK

— The Silver Hair 👵🏻🧓🏻👵🏻🧓🏻

73-yr-old #Grandpa Protester Uncle Chan, went on a 12-day hunger strike, hoping to talk to #CarrieLam but was refused.

82-yr-old Uncle Wong is ALWAYS seen in #frontlines to avoid #HKPoliceBrutality.

#好人一生平安 @StandNewsHK

#HongKong Frontline Protesters.
They are young, yet mature, courageous & insightful.

It’s #HongKongers’ blessing to have this wonderful generation❤️ #手足

Photo by @AFP

#Journalists’ BRAVERY has helped #HongKong to reveal tyranny of #CCPChina, HKGov & #HKPoliceBrutality to the WORLD.

— “#FreedomOfPress is the mortar that binds together the bricks of #democracy - and it is also the open window embedded in those bricks.”

Photo by @kyodo_english

#FirstAid volunteers brave in protest chaos to treat the injured, amid rain of #teargas & #HKPoliceBrutality.

The volunteers include #doctors, nurses and ordinary people trained to provide first aid ⛑

#ThankYou #HongKong #HongKongProtests 🇭🇰

Credit: 城大編委

This is #LIHKGPig #連豬, one of the mostly seen #protestart icons in #HongKong 🇭🇰

It originates from the popular Online Forum @lihkg_forum & gains its popularity over another #pixelart icon #LihkgDog #連狗 🐶

Creative posters & artworks use #PepeTheFrog too!


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