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Modern mining creates jobs for Nova Scotians, provides essential materials we all use every day and takes excellent care of the environment.

Dec 27, 2019, 7 tweets

We love getting questions about #mining, #minerals and #geology! We were recently asked about historical #gold mines around #Fenwick, #CumberlandCounty. Here’s our answer:
#nspoli #novascotia #ns #Cumberland

There are no documented #gold mines in the area but there have been numerous findings of gold in #copper deposits/occurrences in #Cumberland. For example, modest amounts of gold were found in the Blenkhorn copper mine near #Maccan.
#nspoli #novascotia #ns #Cumberlandcounty

#Gold sometimes became apparent when the #copper was smelted – small amounts were mixed in with the copper ore and were separated through processing.
Some other places in the area where gold was found, often in copper deposits:
#nspoli #ns #novascotia #mining #minerals #geology

Oliver #copper deposit near #Tamagouche

King copper mine in near #Oxford

Other prospects near #Maccan

Prospects along the #Wallace River

#Gold was found in 1984 while panning at #Northport Beach at the mouth of the #ShinimicasRiver.
#nspoli #novascotia #ns #mining #|minerals

Other indications of #gold have been found around #Northport and #MudBrook, upstream from Northport.

#NovaScotia #ns #cumberland #cumberlandcounty #mining #minerals #geology

Many historical #gold mines were just pits a couple feet deep, or a small shaft or two, often even without a mill for processing. So a very small amount of gold could result in them being referred to as gold mines.
#nspoli #novascotia #ns #cumberland #cumberlandcounty #mining

Today we would call them prospects, not mines, because the scale and sophistication are so different.

#nspoli #novascotia #NS #mining #minerals #geology #cumberland #cumberlandcounty

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