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"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Mar 8, 2020, 11 tweets

As of ystdy, the US had tested fewer than 6,000 potential #coronavirus cases.

UK has tested 23,513 people.

By comparison, #SouthKorea tested 66,652 people in the first week after #COVID2019 was first diagnosed, & has now tested 170,000+ ppl.

Italy has tested tens of thousands.

“This is the most frightening disease I've ever encountered in my career,”
Richard Hatchett, the doctor leading efforts to find a vaccine for #coronavirus, tells @cathynewman. Early detection of #COVID19 through testing, is key. #COVIDー19 #COVID

Here the US @Surgeon_General, Jerome Adams, struggles to give @jaketapper an answer to the simple question of how many Americans have been tested for #coronavirus. (via @atrupar) #COVID19 #COVID2019 #CoronavirusUSA @JeromeAdamsMD

On #COVID2019, @BorisJohnson said:

“One of the theories is perhaps you could take it on the chin, take it all in one go & allow #coronvirus to move through the population without really taking as many draconian measures.”

This is a CRAZY theory! #COVID19

"I’m not a doctor...But maybe we’d be just better off if we gave #Coronavirus to everybody." Rick Santelli apologised for this suggestion which could result in the deaths of 11+ million Americans.

Boris hasn't been challenged about his remark. #COVID2019

"Comparisons in absolute numbers between European countries & China conceals the great rapidity of the spread of the #coronavirus in Europe because China's population is so much larger." @johnross43

This adjusted map show shows how quickly #COVID19 spread in Europe. #COVID2019

The @WHO calculates the global death rate for #coronavirus at 3.4%. Flu kills about 0.1% of those infected.

The PM's suggested strategy would result in MANY deaths.

We need @afneil & @krishgm NOT @Schofe & @hollywills interviewing. #COVID19 #COVID2019…

What a slogan! "#Coronavirus: Take it on the chin."

It's great the media are FINALLY taking notice of this dangerously misguided suggestion made by #BorisJohnson on national TV on Thursday.

Thanks to @CereinynOrd for flagging it & to @mvdct for the clip.…

"I must apologize for underestimating the extent of this situation."

#Italy: Journalists are apologising for not taking the threat of #coronavirus as seriously as they should've done.

Don't make the same mistake #COVID2019 #COVID19

Who has the dumbest #coronavirus take?

TRUMP: My hunch is that @WHO’s data is wrong & #coronaflu isn’t any worse than normal flu & people with #COVID19 should go to work & we’ll have a vaccine in a few months & it’s all a big hoax.

BORIS: Hold my beer.

In the movies, the only time we come together as a single human race is when we are threatened by aliens, asteroids or a global pandemic.

Here’s hoping that the #coronavirus crisis might help us to see beyond our differences & national borders & to recognise our common humanity.

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