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HS2 will provide more track, more trains, more seats and faster journeys to improve performance and reliability across Britain’s rail network.

May 7, 2020, 6 tweets

“HS2 is just 20 minutes quicker to #Birmingham” is a well-trodden myth. #HS2 will transform the UK with the 3Cs: More CAPACITY across the country’s #rail network. A low CARBON #transport network. Better CONNECTIVITY in the #Midlands and #North.

Capacity: #HS2 will add vital capacity to our overcrowded #rail network by placing long distance services on their own pair of tracks. This will create thousands of extra seats and space for more local, commuter and #freight services on the existing #railway.

Carbon: #Rail is the low carbon option for long distance travel, with #HS2 taking cars and lorries off the road. HS2 emits 17 times less carbon than the equivalent domestic flight and 7 times less carbon than the equivalent car journey.

Connectivity: #HS2 will act as a catalyst for growth and help level-up the country, boosting growth in the #Midlands and #North, and open up new #employment and leisure opportunities for millions of people.

So why is it called High Speed 2? Because the 3Cs are all enabled by taking high speed #trains off the existing network freeing up huge swathes of space on the existing network, creating a low carbon #transport, better connected country. And just look at the time savings…

Capacity, Connectivity, Carbon. Everyone will benefit from more seats on our #railways, cleaner, greener air and a better connected country – even if you don’t use our #trains. If you do want to peddle the myth, you can at least get it right: it’s 37 mins quicker to #Birmingham!

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