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Jul 9, 2020, 6 tweets

#AntiVax Conspiracy Hoaxer Jim Corr @Jimcorrsays - he of the Corrs @TheCorrsMUsic - is defending a #Fascist Rally in #Dublin (one which is being hosted under the false guide of something to do with paedophilia, as usual). And attacking those who try to counter it.

@Jimcorrsays @TheCorrsMUsic He routinely posts hoaxes about Vaccines, #Covid19, Anti-Mask, persecution of the Irish by immigrants, Mossad, and #LGBT.

Perhaps at this point 'Jim' would like the opportunity to clarify his views.

@Jimcorrsays @TheCorrsMUsic Of course there simply IS no 'Rally against Paedophila' in #Dublin.

it's a #Trump / #QAnon #Homophobe's Day Out, by Hermann Kelly - ex #Ukip, ex #IRA, now an #Irexit loon.

Why Jim Corr would chose to throw his lot in with these Far Right Extremists, only he can explain.

Of course there simply IS no 'Rally against #Paedophilia' in #Dublin.

It's a #Trump / #QAnon / #Homophobe's Day Out, by Hermann Kelly - ex #Ukip, ex #IRA, now an #Irexit loon.

Why Jim Corr would chose to throw his lot in with these Far Right Extremists, only he can explain.

A brief 30 second review of @Jimcorrsays timeline will show he's totally a loon. and seemingly edging towards being a complete Far Right Whackjob.

Perhaps he's seeking a new career as Ireland's Tommy Robinson ?

@Jimcorrsays Meanwhile the loathsome Hermann Kelly, once #Farage's right hand man (make your own jokes) recently led his 'Irish Freedom Party' in Elections to a stunning ... er ... peak of 2% of the vote, averaging at less than 1% overall.

Copying '7 Times A Loser' #Farage's 'winning ways'.

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