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Aug 16, 2021, 22 tweets

21 lesson for the 21st century by Yuval Noah Harari

Liberal political system has been shaped during the industrial era. today it finds it difficult to deal with the ongoing revolutions in information technology.

Humans have two types of abilities- physical and cognitive.industrial machines had already outperformed humans in the job's where physical abilities were required. Now the AI, Data algorithms are outperforming humans in the job's where cognitive abilities are required

Liberty means free will, free thinking which is essential for democratic election. Today with Big data algorithms it is easy manipulate the decision making power of voter's (example Brexit). In such conditions the Very concept of Liberty is becoming an illusion

The merger of Infotech and biotech

Equality, human society was never based on equality, Inequality was always there. In agriculture society ownership of land creates inequality, in industrial society ownership of capital creates inequality. Now in 21st century ownership of #Data will Create Inequality

The problem with the #SocialMedia is their Attention seeking business model where they collect your personal data to sell advertisement's and influence opinion to manipulate you. Otherwise social media can be used to build a single Global community

It is not the similar identities but the similar conflicts and dilemma's Which defines the #Civilisation.

#Nationalism had created strong nation State societies which have solved many local challenges. Today Humankind faces three Global challenges Nuclear threat, Climate change, Cyberwar.
Instead of Narrow Nationalism we have to Globalise politics for Global cooperation

#Religion has no utility in the matters of Technology and Economic policy. But still Religion will remain important as long as power of Humankind depends on mass cooperation Which itself depends on mass identities and Religion gives that identity.

#Immigration Crisis is not related to racism instead it has originated because of cultural difference's, which is more than religion like attitudes of immigrants towards human relations and interpersonal conflicts.

Terrorist are master's of mind control, They spread the panic through attacks and provokes the short tempered nation's to declare open war against them. In such chaos they flourish through their propaganda (ex-Afghan, Iraq).

In 21st century #wars are not profitable neither to Victor nor to vanquished. The reason is change in the economy, earlier it was Material wealth like land, natural resources, slaves. Today it is Technology and knowledge, you just can't go to war and conquor it

Among all forms of #Humility perhaps the most important is to have Humility before God.

I personally Never cease to wonder about the history of existence and Time But I never understood what it has got to do with the laws of #GOD. These laws were helpful in maintaining the social order but they are not different from the laws of secular democratic States

#secularism means Truth, Compassion, Equality, Freedom.
Secular education does not mean a negative indoctrination about not to believe in God......👇

In the coming decades the world will become even more complex than it is today. individual human will know even less about the Technology, economy, politicas that shape the world. As Socrates once said the best we can do in such condition is to accept our #ignorance

Most of the injustices in the today's world results from large scale structural biases and not because of individual prejudices. So it is wrong to blame individual for any injustice because it is beyoy his capacity to understand the world structure.
#21lessons #injustice

Truth Vs Power

Post Truth
We created myths, lies, fictional stories to unite our species,,,

Last lesson of 21st century #Meditation

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