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Aug 16th 2021
21 lesson for the 21st century by Yuval Noah Harari
@harari_yuval Image
Liberal political system has been shaped during the industrial era. today it finds it difficult to deal with the ongoing revolutions in information technology.
Humans have two types of abilities- physical and cognitive.industrial machines had already outperformed humans in the job's where physical abilities were required. Now the AI, Data algorithms are outperforming humans in the job's where cognitive abilities are required
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May 4th 2019
Seri video ceramah saya ttg bentang & rentang pemikiran @harari_yuval o/ #SainsUnderground #BigIdeasBigData. Ada 4 buku yg bisa menjelaskan dr level filosofis sampai bisa merangsang saya membayangkan kerja praktisnya: 1. Di Bawah Bendera Revolusi (Bung Karno)
2. #Sapiens, 3. #HomoDeus & 4. #21Lessons (ketiganya karya @harari_yuval). Ini salah 1 alasanku dkk mendirikan @inovator4id u/ mewujudkan Kebebasan, Kesetaraan, Kemajuan, Hegemoni & Imortalitas Manusia #SainsUnderground #BigIdeasBigData
Inti dr trilogi buku karya @harari_yuval adalah mencoba membedakan antara yg fiksi & yg nyata (real). Ukuran utk menentukan apakah sesuatu itu nyata atau fiksi adlh penderitaan. Jika bisa menderita, ia NYATA (real) #SainsUnderground #BigIdeasBigData
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