@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken Listen2 #JointChiefs @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense.Use #OODA= #ManeuvereWarfare won #DesertStorm #USAF Col. JohnBoyd en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Boyd… c @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @LtGRusselHonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES tasshin.com/blog/the-strat…
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN We must #KeepAirbases ala #GoMo Base in #Cuba after #BayOfPigs fiasco 4 #AIS & when not if #Taliban 3.0 violate you have a knife at They're. #Putin's #Hop=#Opioid=#Heroin & #NaturalGas Pipelines into Europe & #China's #StrategicMetal #BeltAndRode Move foreignpolicy.com/2021/07/21/chi…
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN We must #KeepAirbases ala #GoMo Base in #Cuba after #BayOfPigs fiasco 4 #AIS & when not if #Taliban 3.0 violate you have a knife at They're. #Putin's #Hop=#Opioid=#Heroin & #NaturalGas Pipelines into Europe & #China's #StrategicMetal #BeltAndRoad #JackMove foreignpolicy.com/2021/07/21/chi…
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC both agree w #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLind keep #BagramAirport ala #GitMo Base call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS reset by standing them of ala #CubanMissileCrisis keeping Bagram #HoldAfghanAirport 4 #Options
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC both agree w #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLind keep #BagramAirport ala #GitMo Base call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS reset by standing them of ala #CubanMissileCrisis keeping Bagram #HoldAfghanAirport 4 #Options
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @GeneralClark both agree w #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLind keep #BagramAirport ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS reset by standing off ala #CubanMissileCrisis keeping Bagram 4 #Options 1/3
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @GeneralClark both agree w #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLind keep #BagramAirport ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS reset by standing off ala #BerlinAirlift keep it 4 #Options @VetsForRL 2/3
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @GeneralClark both agree w #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLind keep #BagramAirport ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS reset by #StandingOff ala #BerlinAirlift keep it 4 #Options @VetsForRL 4/5
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLind keep #BagramAirport ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS
reset by #StandingOff ala #BerlinAirlift keep it 4 #Options
@VetsForRL Airport 4 #AIS has2ba #BerlinWall #SafeHaven #EscapeHatch 5/5
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark #ManeuverWarfare Exit #Pivot #HoldTheLine keep #BagramBase ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS
reset by #StandOff ala #BerlinAirlift keep it 4 #Options
@VetsForRL Airport 4 #AIS has2ba #BerlinWall #SafeHaven #EscapeHatch 6/10
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark AdamK 100% #ManeuverWarfare #Pivot #HoldTheLine keep #BagramBase ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS
reset by #StandOff ala #BerlinAirlift keep it 4 #Options
@VetsForRL Airport 4 #AIS has2ba #BerlinWall #SafeHaven #EscapeHatch 6/10
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark @johnrobb @AdamKinzinger @MarkHertling @us_sams what do you think of #Taliban's #OperationalArt ? I think a #ManeuverWarfare LeftHook 2 #Bagram could still #FortySecondBoyd flip the #Script #Dunkirk 2.0 style.Its our #Gitmo getback after #Saigon 2.0
@jp_dutch @johnrobb @ABlinken @thejointstaff @DeptofDefense @SecDef @VP @ColinPowellCCNY @ltgrusselhonore @PamKeithFL @EvanMcMullin @MalcolmNance @SteveSchmidtSES @michaelgwaltz @MichaelSteele @VetsForRL @Liz_Cheney @AdamKinzinger @RepAOC @justicedems @RashidaTlaib @RepTedLieu @IlhanMN @mattczeller @billroggio @MSNBC @POTUS @GeneralClark Receipts by #GeneralDavidPetraeus #ManeuverWarfare #Pivot keep #Bagram ala #GitMo Base Cuba call it #Dunkirk 2.0 after #BayOfPigs fiasco for #JFF. @POTUS
reset by #StandOff ala #BerlinAirlift keep it 4 #Options
Airport 4 #AIS has2ba #BerlinWall 9/10
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