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“Radical Right=Radical Left=Radically Wrong.” Disinformation betrays all who fought for freedom #IAmJohnBrown #GunOwnerForGunReform #TrickleUp #StumpARepublican

Sep 14, 2021, 44 tweets

59) Nurse Shanda Parish has cancer, but won’t get vaccinated, even after losing both parents to #COVID19. She resents judgment from friends asking why they didn’t get vaccinated: “people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone.”

Who has she infected?


60) This “Christian” radio host became infamous for reading obituaries from people who died of AIDS while playing the Queen song "Another One Bites the Dust”

Now Bob Enyart bit the dust.

But who did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#Spreadnecks #COVIDIOTS #Talibangelist

61) Gregg Prentice, Hillsborough County, FL @GOP accountant & chair of the committee for election integrity, who wanted to “end Faucism” dies from #COVID19. He said, "we need more socialist distancing than we do social distancing."

His wife & daughter are both ill.

62) R.I.P. Alabama Pickers. Dusty and Tristan Graham wouldn’t get vaccinated ‘cuz they had a “passport to travel called the ‘Bill of Rights.’” That passport led to the morgue.

They left their kids behind. Who else did they infect? What variants did they breed?


63) Alaskan Donald Tice belittled the #coronavirus & trumpeted (pun intended) right-wing disinformation about #COVID19. On his deathbed, he posted, “President Trump, fight the good fight. Break down the left’s fraud! Make America Great Again.”

The fraud killed him.


64) Anti-vaxxer Jacob Zimmerman thought the vaccine was the “mark of the beast” and that “Christians should wake up.” Well, he’s not waking up. He died from #COVID19 on September 11. He was just 41 and left behind a wife and 17-month-old baby whom he infected.


65) COVID makes a noise. Imagine being a nurse listening to that noise all day, all night, day after day, incessantly. This is what the unvaccinated and Republican disinformation have wrought on our healthcare workers.

690,715 #COVID19 deaths and counting

66) @gabegutierrez interviewed 24yo father Patrick Burshia from an ICU in Billings, Montana.

He regretted not getting the #COVID19 vaccine and encouraged others to do so. He left behind a young son.

Sadly, he passed away this weekend. #ConservativesKill

67) Wayne Davis caught #coronavirus on the job. The Houston firefighter and father of 3 put off getting vaccinated — now he needs a lung transplant to survive.

Who else did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#ConservativesKill #Spreadnecks #COVID19…

68) Kristen Lowery, an outspoken anti-vaxxer from Escalon, California, was proud to be “unmasked, unmuzzled, and unvaccinated.”

She regularly posted anti-vax, anti-mask content. She died of #COVID19 on 9/15/2021 at age 40. She was a mother to four young children. #Spreadnecks

69) Over 700,000 dead Americans and these #Spreadnecks refuse to #WearAMask or #GetVaccinated.

How will we ever overcome this level of insanity when the insane are running the asylum?


70) Do you know the odds of dying from #COVID19 if you’re vaccinated vs. unvaccinated? @hill_deeee breaks down the numbers.

#Spreadnecks #COVIDIOTS

71) Georgian, Blake Bargatze, 25, got a double lung transplant. “Shocked” how quickly #COVID19 attacked his body, he said the virus made his lungs look like "chewed up pieces of bubblegum."

He chose not to get vaccinated, I hope those lungs weren’t needed elsewhere. #Spreadnecks

72) Anti-vaxx trolls are spewing disinformation that novel #coronavirus is same as common cold. If you see it, share this tweet explaining there are different types of human coronaviruses, some leading to mild symptoms, while others serious disease like #COVID19


73) 10-yo Teresa Sperry dies from #COVID19 days after developing headache. Distraught mother says “people are too damn selfish to care about what could happen to others.”

Meanwhile #spreadnecks refuse to #WearAMask and #GetVaccinated


74) Tyler Gilreath got sick with #COVID19 two days after moving to college. Mom “cajoled, encouraged, threatened, & nagged for him to get vaccinated.”

The sinus infection combined with a staph infection & passed into his brain where an abscess ruptured.…

75) This 53-yo pastor from Apison, Tennessee, frequently posted pro-Trump, pro-De Santis, and anti-vax propaganda. He died from COVID on 9/22. His wife posted she “didn’t understand” when it’s the most talked about health crisis of our lifetime

Whom did he infect?


76) Anti-vax #Spreadnecks are murderers. Here is Kayla Rayne Vaughn. She was a certified Nursing Home Assistant at Litchford Falls in North Carolina, where officials confirmed an outbreak of #COVID19.

On 10/2/2021, we hit 719,000 deaths

Whom did she infect? h/t @TizzyEnt

77) Witness Republican murderous incompetence: Disinformation-spewing New Hampshire @GOP House Finance Committee Chair, Rep. Ken Weyler, circulates reports that #COVID19 deaths are a Vatican plot — and vaccines contain “living organisms with tentacles.”…

78) Jeffrey Burnham murdered his pharmacist brother because he believed #COVID19 vaccines he distributed were killing people

He also killed his sister-in-law and an 83-yo woman whose car he stole and drove to his brother's house. Right-wing disinformation kills.


79) 22-year-old unvaccinated Emily Robison from Arkansas died from #COVID19 just 3 weeks after giving birth. Husband blames misinformation: “Get vaccinated. It's very serious. She would still be here if we took it serious."

#Spreadnecks #COVIDIOTS…

80) Paul Kendall, anti-mask, anti-vaxx activist, Alaska Republican candidate, called a gay Anchorage official “cocksucker” during an Assembly meeting considering mask mandates for the city. He said masks for kids were “life-threatening assault”

He died of #COVID19


81) Sen. Doug Ericksen was on Trump’s transition team & served as communications lead at Environmental Protection Agency. Ericksen was a vocal opponent of COVID restrictions, saying he would introduce a bill opposing vaccine mandates.

He died of #COVID19 at 52.


82) An unvaccinated man from Texas, whose death was the first confirmed #Omicron-related in the US, had previously been infected with #coronavirus.

He made his choice, but who else did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#OmicronVariant #Spreadnecks…

83) Roger Dale Moon, unvaccinated false prophet & pastor of Revelation Fire Ministries in South Carolina said “You have the power to say, ‘This is Not how my Life will end. God is my strength… I will live a victorious life’” He died shorty after contracting #COVID19 #Spreadnecks

84) William Hartmann, member of Wayne County Board of Canvassers, refused to certify 2020 election. He spread conspiracy theories & referred to #COVID19 as "wuflu,” suggesting Democrats were using pandemic "to scare the public." He died 11/30/21

#Spreadnecks h/t @david4potus2020

85) Veronica Wolski, a Trump-loving, QAnon-conspiracy-spewing #COVIDIOT, took to a Chicago bridge to spread anti-mask / anti-vaccine “never comply” message. She died of COVID. Lin Wood threatened the hospital if they failed to prescribe horse dewormer (ivermectin).


86) Lisa Barker Wise, an anti-vaxxer & Registered Nurse, died of #COVID19. Her brother claimed they refused to treat her because she was unvaccinated and that those “orders came from the White House.” Her husband is on the School Board & voted against mask mandates.


87) Kelly Ernby was a prosecutor, Orange County @GOP central committee member, and candidate for California Assembly. She was a vocal opponent of vaccine mandates: “There’s nothing that matters more than our freedoms right now” she added. She died of #COVID19


88) Serious disease from #COVID19 “can be prevented in almost all circumstances by vaccination and masking.”


88) Bob and Sue Walter were married for 44 years. Unvaccinated, they both tested positive for #COVID19 shortly before Thanksgiving 2021 & died quickly, just two days apart. Sue died on November 30, while Bob - who was on a ventilator - died on December 2.…

89) Doug Kuzma, right-wing podcaster on F.R.O.G. News Network (Fully Rely On God), pushed QAnon conspiracies & anti-vaccine rhetoric. He caught #COVID19 at “Reawaken America” QAnon superspreader conference in Dallas featuring Lin Wood, Mike Flynn & the My Pillow Guy


90) QAnon star Cirsten Weldon told fans not to get vaccinated & said Dr. Anthony Fauci “needs to be hung from a rope.” She claimed #COVID19 vaccine killed people and yelled at those in line: “The vaccines kill, don’t get it!… This is how gullible these idiots are.”


91) Dean Kohn was former lead singer of Christian heavy metal band Barren Cross. He called himself a “born-again Christian Evangelist” and was pastor and former Radio Show Host. His Facebook timeline was pro-Trump and full of anti-vax disinformation. He died of #COVID19 at age 55

92) Kelly Canon, anti-vax & anti-mask, promoted Trump’s “Big Lie” & celebrated a vaccine exemption posting “No jabby-jabby for me! Praise GOD!” She attended a quack “COVID symposium” superspreader event. A few weeks later, she owned the libtards and died of #COVID19


93) Meat Loaf said, “the masks we’re all wearing are useless. They don’t stop you from getting #COVID19,” missing the fact we #WearAMask to protect others.

He added, “If I die, I die, but I’m not going to be controlled.” He could have gotten vaccinated, but he “won’t do that.”

94) Washington State Trooper Robert Lamay was fired in October for refusing to #GetVaccinated. He recorded video of himself “signing out” & telling Governor Jay Inslee to "kiss my ass.” Fox & other conservative media outlets invited him to speak. He died of #COVID19


95) With anti-vax truck drivers embarrassingly making headlines in Canada, @sorryantivaxxer posted a plethora of these unvaccinated #Spreadnecks dying of #COVID19. Imagine how many they infected on their travels.…

96) UPDATE - December @CDCgov data: Unvaccinated people over 65 are 52X more likely to be hospitalized from #COVID19 compared to fully vaccinated/boosted. 46x higher for adults 50-64.

Major differences across all age groups, including 12-17 year olds.

#VaccinesWork #Spreadnecks

97) This rabid anti vaxxer and Faith Unveiled Network founder, Paul Oebel, used his show, “Truth Unveiled,” to spread lies and disinformation about vaccines, called the pandemic a hoax, and spread quack cures.

He died after taking up ICU space for nearly 2 months.


98) Yet another RN on this thread!

Lisa Shaffer worked for 20 years as a Registered Nurse in Marshall, TX. She submitted a 7-page, handwritten religious exemption request where she wrote "freedom is dying.”

She died from freedumb at age 48.

#Spreadnecks #COVIDIOTS #COVID19

99) Marc Saulnier was a trucker, antivaxxer, “Stop the Steal” Trump dead-ender, and Republican candidate for Congress (Georgia 2). His Facebook account was full of anti-Biden, pro-Confederate propaganda, and COVID disinformation. He died of #COVID19 on February 8.


100) Washington State Trooper Robert LaMay was fired after he violated his Oath of Office and defied a state vaccine mandate. In his “last sign off,” he told Governor Inslee to “kiss my ass” and went on Fox “News” to spread disinformation. He died from #COVID19.


101) Meet Gina “Ginacat” Joan McMaster, 61, of Granite Canyon, WY. This right-wing, Trump-loving, anti-government 3 percenter, January 6th insurrectionist, & anti-vaxxer died of #COVID19. Her husband was “casting away” the “demons” who wanted her to get vaccinated.


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