Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Sep 22, 2021, 12 tweets

Africa Speaks to the World:

African National Leader addresses in the 76th #UNGA General Debate which started yesterday.

#COVID #ClimateChange #Equity #HumanRights #Justice

A thread...

President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo.

"The UN must have a greater impact on people's lives through a focus on peace-building activities."

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st September 2021

Faustin Archange Touadera, Head of State of the Central African Republic.

"Faced with new challenges sweeping reforms of [UN] organs are needed for it to remain the forum par excellence for multilateralism."

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st Sept. 2021

Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia [newly elected 12/8/2021] 1/2

"The foundation to growth and development is peace stability and security. On the UNSC reform, Zambia is confirmed on the slow pace of negotiations...

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st Sept.'21

Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia 2/2

"Zambia reiterates the African position which calls for a more representative and democratic UNSC in which Africa will be fairly represented."

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st Sept. 2021

Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. 1/2

" know the outcome of the ongoing decade long negotiations between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan as a result of Addis Ababa’s intransigence and unjustified rejection.”

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks Day 1 - 21st Sept. '21

Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of Egypt. 2/2

“Egypt, which recognises the developmental rights of its [African] brothers, is one of the most water-deficient countries, its people remain under the water poverty line”.

#UNGA #AfricaSpeaks 21/8/21

Egyptian President Al-Sisi's full speech in translation can be read here >>…

President Al-Sisi in his speech echoed fellow African criticisms of the UNSC process & addressed issues related to Libya, Syria, Palestine & Yemen directly. See extracts from the full translation below.

In this passage President Al-Sisi addressed #GERD:

"the Nile River must not be monopolized by one state. For Egypt, the Nile water is an existential matter. This however does not mean we want to undermine the rights of our brothers and sisters sharing with us the Nile Basin."

Here here Al-Sisi addresses Africa development needs including wrt Covid.

"The African continent's unique features, is able to become a new locomotive for the intl. economy, particularly with the historic steps taken by the AU Union to launch the Continental Free Trade Zone."

In his conclusion Al-Sisis echoes calls for UN Reform on UNSC representation.

"Egypt stresses the importance of expanding the Council in both its permanent & non-permanent categories, which will ... achieve fair representation of Africa to correct the historical injustice."

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