The D Stands for Discernment Profile picture
Specificity is key & reparations are required. The ADOSAF Black Agenda is the yellow brick road👇🏾 iPitch🗣 iConnect🤝🏾. Tweets are my own.

Jan 8, 2022, 26 tweets


#MSNBC’s @JoyAnnReid, @MalcolmNance , former TV One pundit @rolandsmartin, the Urban League’s @MARCMORIAL, and CNN’s @angela_rye were among Black journalists and co-conspirators who accused #ADOS of being “MAGA” supporters, xenophobic, nativists and “Russian Bots”..”

@JoyAnnReid & @digitalsista on @MSNBC making false claims & assertions about online users who support #ADOS being ‘Russian bots’ targeting Black voters to spread #Misinformation

More context on @digitalsista & her libelous campaign against #ADOS

This was in 2019…

And to this day, the founders of #ADOS #ADOSAF have yet to receive a formal apology and a statement of retraction from @MSNBC @JoyAnnReid & @digitalsista.

#Misinformation #Disinformation

Mark Thompson of @NCOBRA40 also weighed in on their opinions about #ADOS, the political grassroots organization who told our community that it’s our American right to demand an exchange for our vote.

He repeated the libelous assertion of us being “bots” w/ @JoyAnnReid on @MSNBC

@NCOBRA40 is complicit in the slander & perpetuance of unsubstantiated claims against #ADOS

#Misinformation #Disinformation

Here’s @MalcolmNance on a panel @MSNBC accusing #ADOS of being a fringe group of trolls, who facilitated “birther attacks” against the then presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

@MalcolmNance can be seen on Twitter having used the “ADOSisMAGA” hashtag, popularized by rapper Talib Kweli.

TK smeared #ADOS & made false claims in a Medium blog. He’s since been suspended from Twitter for multiple safety & privacy violations.

@rolandsmartin Do you still support Talib Kweli’s smear blog, filled with unsubstantiated claims against #ADOS ?

#Misinformation #Disinformation

Back in 2019, @UrbanLeague president @MARCMORIAL called #ADOS “African Descendants Of Slavery,” & claimed that the movement was causing division within the Black community.

@CARICOMorg exists.. But somehow demanding #America pay Reparations for slavery in America, is divisive.

@MSNBC may be aiming to do a quick “clean up,” in their decision to not reschedule @JoyAnnReid show for this coming Spring.

However, seasoned journalists address & correct any misreported information. So again, why are majority of #BlackMedia & pubs so silent?

@angela_rye gave her sista-girl 2 cents about #ADOS as well. She referred to members of the movement as “bots” & “trolls,” but failed to correct herself after @CNN found Russia to have outsourced troll farms in Nigeria & Ghana.…


After @angela_rye was called out for saying all Black people were immigrants, she denied making that statement & suggested people “stop following trolls.”

As Sr advisor to the House Committee on Homeland Security, what has she done for Black community in the US?

Besides sassy commentary, what has @angela_rye work garnered for the Black #America?

As an attorney, @CBCPAC board member & political strategist; your false statements hindered #ADOS. We’re the only political grassroots org fighting for reparations & you chose to slander us.

@MoveOn launched #VoteDownCovid to counter #ADOS #VoteDownBallot campaign. They even included former BLM PA organizer & AI for the People’s @KoffieKakeki Shakira King in their efforts.

She also co-authored @Kennedy_School’s “Disinformation creep,” along w/ 5 writers from MoveOn.

Now I’m not saying #BlackLivesMatter #BLM was involved in the creation of the #VoteDownCovid campaign to counter the #VoteDownBallot strategy.

However, I find it interesting that the Tides Advocacy Fund & Tides Foundation made large contributions to @MoveOn.
#Donations #Gifts

@MoveOn had help from various people to push their #VoteDownCovid campaign online.

@MutaleNKonde Mutale NKonde was busy making her rounds. In this clip for example, she describes then presidential candidate Biden as not being the “utopic answer” for #BlackVoters.

During a Bioneers panel discussion on “racial justice efforts for the Biden Admin,” @MutaleNKonde speaks on her company’s role in the #VoteDownCovid campaign to counter #VoteDownBallot voting strategy.

“..unless the parties met certain demands. & we found that to be a threat.”

Here @MutaleNKonde admits that @MoveOn approached her company (AI for the People), in researching groups targeting Black Voters & telling them not to vote.

After discovering the #VoteDownBallot effort, championed by #ADOS, Mutale claimed 60% of accts they studied weren’t human.

@MutaleNKonde Mutale NKonde went on to become the lead author of “#Disinformation creep: ADOS & the strategic weaponization of breaking news.”

However, the smear was retracted after 184 days of applying pressure on @Kennedy_School, post release of #ADOSAF rebuttal.

Per, about 4 in every 10K papers are retracted! The silence from Black publications & #Media is deafening, even after #ADOSAF pushed @ShorensteinCtr to retract their smear.

This is story should be setting the news wire on fire!
#CrimsonSmear #PoisonIvy

For more info, watch both episodes of #BreakingBrown & #ToneTalks

Also, see both internal & external post-pub reviews of “Disinformation creep”& the @RetractionWatch article.

Joy Ann Reid & MSNBC Incorrectly Call Black Voters Bots that use #ADOS & #AmericanDOS – Creators Demand Apology…


Tides Center Takes Control of Black Lives Matter Global Network…

Angela Rye Weighs In On The Government Shutdown, Trump’s Tantrums + more

Angela Rye’s CBCPAC Profile…

@StanfordPAC @DigCivSoc “Protecting the Black Vote During COVID-19”

Racial Justice Beyond Trump: Confronting an American Legacy…

@StanfordEng “How to get more truth from social media”

“But retractions remain relatively rare: Only about four of every 10,000 papers are now retracted. And although the rate roughly doubled from 2003 to 2009, it has remained level since 2012.”
#RetractionWatch #DataScience #Misinformation #Journalism…

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