1 #Tether today announced an agreement with #Switzerland Canton #Ticino City of #Lugano "to transform Lugano into the European #bitcoin capital". A press conference will be held March 3rd, 2022 to show "#Lugano's plan B". #Bitfinex and Tether CTO Paolo #Ardoino will attend.
2 Since May 5th, 2017, Giancarlo #Devasini, #Bitfinex and #Tether #CFO, established in #Lugano his Smart Property Solutions SA company, whose aim was to release #crypto, #stablecoin, store and manage money, precious metals, art pieces, certificates and value documents.
3 Smart Property Solutions SA was headquartered c/o another company, #DataNest SA. Back in 2005, was Data Nest moved c/o Camponovo Asset Management. In 2006 Oliver #Camponovo was chairman, manager, shareholder of Data Nest Sa. In 2008 Camponovo left his managing role in Data Nest
4 It's impossible to know if Oliver Camponovo today is still a shareholder of Data Nest Sa. This information isn't provided by the Public company register of Canton Ticino.
5 What we can say is that, back in March 2017, Paolo #Barrai wrote on his "Mercato Libero" blog advising investors to buy #Bitfinex tokens convertible in Bitfinex stocks.
6 In October 2017 Paolo Barrai reminded that in preceding March he advised people to buy #Bitfinex convertible tokens through which he had become a Bitfinex shareholder.
7 On September 5th, 2017, the same Paolo #Barrai on his blog cheered for the #Eidoo ICO which was "a dream become reality", managed even by "my friend #Oliver" through #Camponovo's company #IbexService "for all [Eidoo] company aspects"
8 On #Barrai #TerraBitcoin closed Telegram chat, on May 13th, 2020, #Barrai forwarded a post by Oliver #Camponovo with stock market analysis.
9 On the same #TerraBitcoin closed chat, on June 28th, 2021, #Barrai wrote "I owe everything to #Bitfinex, I'm able to be loyal, especially in these shitty moments. It's true I'm here to make money but paying respect to those people who helped me".
10 On #TerraBitcoin Telegram channel, on January 7th, 2019, #Barrai wrote "I want to congratulate with #Bitfinex. Everything was managed very well. Now servers are in #Switzerland. Very well protected from any attack and from #US".
11 I told you #followtheSwissconnection #Bitfinex #Tether
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