1 #Tether today announced an agreement with #Switzerland Canton #Ticino City of #Lugano "to transform Lugano into the European #bitcoin capital". A press conference will be held March 3rd, 2022 to show "#Lugano's plan B". #Bitfinex and Tether CTO Paolo #Ardoino will attend.
2 Since May 5th, 2017, Giancarlo #Devasini, #Bitfinex and #Tether#CFO, established in #Lugano his Smart Property Solutions SA company, whose aim was to release #crypto, #stablecoin, store and manage money, precious metals, art pieces, certificates and value documents.
3 Smart Property Solutions SA was headquartered c/o another company, #DataNest SA. Back in 2005, was Data Nest moved c/o Camponovo Asset Management. In 2006 Oliver #Camponovo was chairman, manager, shareholder of Data Nest Sa. In 2008 Camponovo left his managing role in Data Nest
4 It's impossible to know if Oliver Camponovo today is still a shareholder of Data Nest Sa. This information isn't provided by the Public company register of Canton Ticino.
5 What we can say is that, back in March 2017, Paolo #Barrai wrote on his "Mercato Libero" blog advising investors to buy #Bitfinex tokens convertible in Bitfinex stocks.
6 In October 2017 Paolo Barrai reminded that in preceding March he advised people to buy #Bitfinex convertible tokens through which he had become a Bitfinex shareholder.
7 On September 5th, 2017, the same Paolo #Barrai on his blog cheered for the #Eidoo ICO which was "a dream become reality", managed even by "my friend #Oliver" through #Camponovo's company #IbexService "for all [Eidoo] company aspects"
9 On the same #TerraBitcoin closed chat, on June 28th, 2021, #Barrai wrote "I owe everything to #Bitfinex, I'm able to be loyal, especially in these shitty moments. It's true I'm here to make money but paying respect to those people who helped me".
10 On #TerraBitcoin Telegram channel, on January 7th, 2019, #Barrai wrote "I want to congratulate with #Bitfinex. Everything was managed very well. Now servers are in #Switzerland. Very well protected from any attack and from #US".
1 Scrivi un articolo per spiegare che il #bitcoin ha perso il 60% del suo valore, che oltre la metà dei suoi investitori lo ha comprato negli ultimi 12 mesi, che un terzo di loro non sa nemmeno cosa sia, e un'orda di massimalisti invasati ti assale e copre di insulti, dicendo
2 in sostanza che non sai di cosa parli, che sei un incompetente e/o un idiota, che il futuro è delle cripto eccetera eccetera. Questo ridicolo tentativo di linciaggio è la dimostrazione migliore del fatto che l'ecosistema cripto usa ormai di fatto gli stessi schemi delle sette.
3 Le regole dell'ecosistema e delle sette sono le stesse: devi credere con tutto te stesso (e i tuoi soldi) nella "verità rivelata"; o sei con loro o sei contro di loro; chi non è d'accordo è un venduto o un ignorante.
Il massimo del piacere professionale per un giornalista è
1 - Chiasso is a small, anonymous town on Italian border at the extreme southbound Canton Ticino, Italian speaking part of #Switzerland. A place which has been well known for decades as a centre for money laundering of Italian nationals capitals fleeing away. An offshore haven.
2 - It's a transit for many legit and unlegal businesses. When Switzerland signed an treaty with Italy on tax informations and ruled out bank secrecy, which was for decades the engine of its bank industry, Chiasso banks and its whole financial industry were badly hit.
3 - After decades of bonanza, thanks to Italians big dirty money flowing on the other side of the border, the river of fees dried up. So Chiasso "fiduciari" (people working in the private financial industry on behalf of other people) had to find another way to make ends meet.
1 - On the night of August 4th 2021 #Popsicle platform said it had been "hacked". On that occasion, on a secret Telegram chat, #TerraBitcoin, who hids a group of crypto investors, mostly Italians, managed by Paolo #Barrai, there was a dialogue among the investors
2 - who put their money in #Popsicle and other #Sestagalli's projects, the same Sestagalli, Paolo #Barrai and Giancarlo #Devasini of #Bitfinex. Then my sources in #TerraBitcoin screnshotted and gave me the chat of that dialogue (in Italian, sorry). Here's the pics of that story
1 - So, whoa! At the end of the day mr #Devasini and mr Daniele #Sestagalli, the Italian man behind Wonderland ($Time), Popsicle Finance ($ICE), and Abracadabra ($MIM) projects in #Switzerlandmistress are connected. During last drawdown Sestagalli cashed out 30 mln to #Bitfinex
On April 21, I'll go under trial in Rome with colleague Francesco Bonazzi for three stories I wrote in 2017 on Italy security agencies bank accounts in Banca Nuova, sicilian subsidiary of failed Banca Popolare di Vicenza. Public prosecutors indicted us for State secret breach.
I risk a 10 years term conviction. I just did my job: for Il Sole 24 Ore,my at that time daily newdpaper, I tried to detect why Banca Popolare di Vicenza (BpVi) hadn't been properly checked by authorities for two decades, letting it go bankrupt.
Then I found that Banca Nuova (BpVi) had offices in the same building in Rome where an Italian security agency had an headquarter to spy on judges, politicians, journalists and where they produced secret dossiers to slag all public critics.