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💙⏳🇵🇸 🎗️#Palestine #Assange #ClimateChange: Why I quit my job: #Collapse

Mar 8, 2022, 6 tweets

"The unenthusiastic reception at @hmpbelmarsh cd not deter me, but it certainly contributed 2 my rapidly declining of perception of #Britain as a reliable partner in the area of #HumanRights".

@UN Special Rapporteur on #Torture, @NilsMelzer (first visit to see #Assange) 🧵

@hmpbelmarsh @UN @NilsMelzer @CraigMurrayOrg @johnpilger @medialens @caitoz @Jonathan_K_Cook @ggreenwald @jimmy_dore @johnmcdonnellMP @StellaMoris1 @wikileaks How thoroughly depressing: the #UK's "#Guantanamo" gaol treated @UN official, @NilsMelzer, investigating torture, WORSE than he's experienced in #Ukraine provincial prisons and in #Turkey.

Let that sink in 🤔 Deeply shameful for all UK citizens...



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