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Apr 22, 2022, 5 tweets

#Mariupol Update and ISW Map - #Putin ordered the #Russian armed forces to cease direct assaults on the #Azovstal Plant today due to concerns over high casualties. Instead ordering the RUAF to conduct a siege that “not even a fly could get through.” 🇷🇺 continued clearing ops.

#Russian armor was nearby the #Azovstal stadium engaged in some of those clearing ops. Indirect and direct fire attacks were conducted by 🇷🇺 against #Ukraine defenders of the main plant ⬇️. Videos were released of more warehouses and out buildings being cleared by 🇷🇺.

#Russia announced that it was redeploying many of the forces in #Mariupol to the southern front between #Donetsk and #Kherson. Videos released by 🇷🇺 confirmed at least some units headed north out of #Mariupol.

#Ukraine accused #Russia of #WarCrimes in #Mariupol. Videos of murdered civilians lining the streets and sidewalks have been released previously. #Ukraine has alleged that thousands of civilians were killed by 🇷🇺 and then dumped in mass grave in #Manhush. Pic of graves below.

#Russian units from the Battle of #Kyiv have been spotted in #Mariupol. These units have the white V painted on the sides of the vehicles. An armored vehicles that survived the disaster in Kyiv was destroyed in the last couple of days in #Mariupol.

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