Dr. Benjamin L. Schmitt🇺🇸🇺🇦🇪🇺🇹🇼 Profile picture
Senior Fellow @Penn Physics & @KleinmanEnergy; Also @CEPA @DukeU @HURI_Harvard; Affiliate @CenterForAstro; Term Member @CFR_Org; Former @StateDept | views mine

May 10, 2022, 15 tweets

🧵 [1] JUST OUT: The 2nd report I’ve coauthored with the recently-formed International Working Group on Russia Sanctions, coordinated by @FSIStanford @McFaul outlining urgent comprehensive energy embargoes & sanctions on Putin’s regime.



[2] 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦Working Group is comprised of a stellar lineup of Transatlantic security experts that coauthored this report, including: @Nataliia_Shapo, @AmbDanFried, @maria_shagina, @edwardfishman, @RichardMNephew, @FukuyamaFrancis, @kath_stoner, @steven_pifer, @OlgaBielkova & more!

[3] For our second report, we have focused on a comprehensive set of “smart embargoes”, sanctions, and policy measures to rapidly limit the ability of the #Kremlin to raise further state revenues via energy sales abroad to the greatest extent possible.

[4] 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦 Given the significant role oil & gas revenues play in funding #Putin’s horrific war machine used against Ukraine, it is vital that the international community take steps to stop this flow of money NOW‼️

[5] Some highlights of urgent Russia energy sanctions measures suggested to be taken in this energy sanctions-focused Working Group report, include:

[6] First & foremost Working Group endorses EU announcement that it will impose a complete import ban on all Russian oil, calling for “smart embargoes” to immediately end oil imports & graduated embargo on gas imports, as well as policies to make EU independent of Russian energy.

[7] For oil, need a “smart embargo” ending oil & oil product imports from #Russia to greatest extent possible, as quickly as possible. For any interim sales en route to zero, import tariffs or escrow mechanisms should be set up to limit #Kremlin revenues immediately.

[8] To limit ability of #Kremlin to circumvent #embargo & measures of any temporary controlled sales regime, we call for tech-calibrated sanctions on entities providing insurance & technical services to #Russian vessels, including tethering & ship-to-ship transfer support firms.

[9] Oil #technology #sanctions should also be expanded beyond the current scope of shale, deep-water offshore & #Arctic sanctions to cover all oil-field services and technologies across the Russian Federation.

[10] This measure also calls for sanctions against any remaining EU or US national that remains working in senior executive positions within the Russian oil & gas sector - a sanction aimed at ending Kremlin’s strategic corruption of western officials (e.g. stop #Schröderization).

[11] The Group highlights national security threat of Russian state owned enterprises still having partial or full ownership stakes in critical EU energy infrastructure (e.g. #Gazprom owning gas storage facilities & #Rosneft owning refineries) & requires Russian divestment now.

[12] Neutralize Moscow’s long-term strategy of advancing diversionary pipelines by announcing decommissioning dates for #Gazprom’s #NordStream1, #TurkStream2 & #Yamal pipeline routes, channeling remaining gas through Ukrainian route until full gas embargo is reached across EU.

[13] While full gas embargo develops, institute controlled sales regime on #Gazprom sales (similar to oil proposals) to sharply limit funds reaching #Kremlin from gas purchases & support 🇺🇦 reconstruction. Deploy near term measures to cut Russian gas imports as much as possible.

[14] Rapidly deploy further LNG import infrastructure around EU & repurpose current German #NordStream1 & #NordStream2 gas hub at Lubmin, converting site to instead link to non-Russian LNG imports via FSRU deployment.

Accelerate renewable energy infrastructure deployments in EU.

[15] 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦 This is just a top level summary of some of the hard-hitting policy proposals outlined in this second Working Group report.

Please do take a moment to read full report & call on global democracies to empty Putin’s energy piggy bank while standing with Ukraine‼️

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