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Chief Strategist, Host: RealInvestment Show, Editor, PM for Newsletter Signup:

Jun 11, 2022, 7 tweets

The #RealInvestmentReport is out!
The #rally that started 3-weeks ago ended abruptly as concerns of #inflation, the #Fed and rising #recession risk spooked #investors. With the Fed set to hike #rates next week, we increased hedges and cash last week.…

After struggling at the 38.2% resistance level, #inflation, #recession risks, and the #Fed spooked #investors last week. #Market now retesting previous lows. Now back to short-term oversold, looking for a small bounce next week to add to #short #hedges.…

With the #Fed tightening their #balance sheet and hiking #rates, the 10-year yield is starting to top. Much like we saw in 2018, when the Fed breaks something, yields will fall quickly on the long-end (#yieldcurve inversion and #recession.)…

A couple of things about #inflation
1) When inflation runs above 5% it has always been coincident with a #recession.
2) Spikes in inflation are never resolved by drifting lower. It crashes as the economy grinds to a halt. (Same with #oil prices.)…

#NFIB survey indicators are hitting levels always coincident with #recession onsets.…

Market very oversold after this week's plunge. (Lower left panel). A small bounce next week to sell into would not be surprising.…

The WEEKLY technical composite is back to historically low levels after a brief bounce over the last two weeks.
Any bit of good news, or just lack of news, could elicit a sellable bounce.…

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