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J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.

Jul 3, 2022, 21 tweets

1/ 03 Juillet 2022 - Gen staff report
As explained in the last 48h, #UAarmy have decided to withdraw from #Lysichansk #Lyssytchansk





5/ last Gaidai report on Telegram - it seems he have restrain his access on FB (?)
he might not want to comment no more considering the Oblast is now "officially" no more in his "hands"...

6/ Topo Map #Lysichansk #Lyssytchansk area and new russian progress to date.
ongoing fights in some areas. (see gen staff report)




10/ morning and 1 hour ago #Melitopol

11/ "A railway bridge was blown up near Melitopol, which the Russians used to transport weapons to the front."

12/ j'allais oublié de mettre les pertes supposées Russes du jour et à ce jour (meme si vs avez mon tabl recap) et en prime une "idée" de ce que cela représente pour les Russes selon cet organisme UA
#Ukraine #Russian losses.

13/ mon tableau perso.. avec "best case scenario" (officiel UKr) - une moyenne "raisonnée" qui semble (en dehors aviation) reflété a peu pres le réel actuel - & worst case scenario si recrutement massif plus input matériel Belarus par ex & uniquement fonction de la"pente" semaine

14/ JUST IN :

15/ The partisans of #Melitopol like the one in #Kherson are sending warm greetings to the collaborators and remind them of the consequences of betrayal.



19/ Actually #Arestovych told the info about it yesterday in his daily interview... (he can show too much confidence sometimes imo, but i guess as they talk about it today, that it is harmless in that case..)

20/ #PotatoeMustachio still running his sick narrative.. (18:00 local)
(yeah sorry i raised my nephews with that... so i can't help ;))

21/ Also let's not forget the more the war is going on the more it'll deeply impact Ukrainian economy, hence the rest of the world. Luhansk now is totally destroy and russians are willing to do the same in Donetsk & everywhere Ukr resists.

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