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Nov 14th 2022
1/ "Due to the difficult humanitarian situation in the #Luhansk oblast, the occupiers plan to carry out a complete evacuation of the civilian population from the settlements of #Kreminna, #Siverodonetsk and #Rubizhne deep into the temporarily occupied territories." gen staff.
2/ i've read several wild speculations on that one too.. claiming that the only time Ru did this, soon after they left the areas...
but actually it is totally false, they did that in some other villages but smaller one where no one talked about and gave a flying fck..
so it would
3/ be really "nice" to witness but not even the intel services are claiming such things for now.
also this would litteraly gives all the area to Ukr and "kill" their gain in #Lyssytchansk and nullified the interest of fighting for #Svatove .
Read 6 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022
1/ 03 Juillet 2022 - Gen staff report
As explained in the last 48h, #UAarmy have decided to withdraw from #Lysichansk #Lyssytchansk

Read 21 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Update #Ukraine
Im Überblick:
- Kessel um #Lyssytchansk fast zu;
- russ.Truppen verlassen die "Schlangeninsel";
- BuReg veröffentlicht Liste aller Waffenlieferungen, Pentagon ebenfalls;
- Boris Johnson schwört sein Publikum auf jahrelange Finanzierung der UKR ein.
Russ. Truppen drängen weiter auf eine Einkesselung von #Lyssytchansk .
Am Mittwochabend kamen erste Meldungen, dass die Raffinerie der Stadt eingenommen wurde.
Am Donnerstagmorgen wurde dies auch von westlichen Kriegsreportern bestätigt.
Mit der Kontrolle über die Ölraffinerie ist die Verbindungsstraße Sewersk-Lyssytschansk durchgeschnitten.
Ein Fluchtkorridor ist nur noch über die Orte Zolotarivka und Bilohoriwka offen.
Russ. Quellen melden, dass der Sturm der Ortschaften "bis Ende der Woche" erfolgen soll.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
1/ Point du jour - Rapport mi-journée - 26 Juin 2022
#UkraineMap #UkraineRussianWar #CarteUkraine
Situation has not changed Globally but several important moves from Russian near #Lysychansk where they try to keep their momentum in order to surround it
Gen Staff report
Part 1 -
2/ "the enemy's main efforts were focused on advancing in the directions of the settlements #Dovgenke (area) and #Mazanivka ... #Kurulka "
3/ Gen staff report part 2 -
Nothing special there except the classical use of arty as much as they can to try to suppress all ZSU #UAarmy defenses and try to block them from moving more materials or blocking troops (pin down) in certain areas.
Read 34 tweets
May 8th 2022
1/ Simple thread on few things I read today from people, saying one more time, that the loss of #Rubizhne #Roubijne #Рубіжне would be catastrophic... well like for Popasna it would be a "simple" loss, that helped destroyed many Ru forces
have a look: the area with #Lyssytchansk
2/ is almost 120 km2 !!! (the diagonal of this area is the length of Paris intra muros !)
so you are going to tell me, but why do you "couple" the 2 cities? well because of this.. one his really backing up the other one and at perfect "range" for ATGMs to work "well"
3/ plus there is 3 bridges that #Ukraine -nians defenders can blow up to be safe if needed. and this is quite a big river, not easy to cross, even now... (and we have seen the result of Ru attempts yesterday. failed)
Also watch the High grounds (heights) of Lyssytchansk ...
Read 6 tweets

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