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J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.

Sep 8, 2022, 26 tweets

1/ So... today is quite hot! isn't it?
#UAarmy command report - "Currently, Ukr military has penetrated the enemy's defense to a depth of up to 50km !v. In the course of conducting active actions in the #Kharkiv direction, more than 20 settlements were liberated."
20! 20! 20!

2/ "In the course of active actions in the Kharkiv direction, more than 20 settlements have been freed," - Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Brigade General Alexey Gromov.

3/ and then you read some people.. "ouin ouin we only have reliable russian sources, Zoooka said that, zozovs said this.. Suyakrynbar shows it!!" Go Fy!
(that was my rant of the week. sorry not sorry, days 'im witnessing epic failure among "osintlol" account clearly no ex mil)

4/ In this war, the eyes from the sky are important - unmanned aviation. Thank you to everyone who dedicated their knowledge and skills to this cause, and to everyone who helps to purchase drones for the Armed Forces, - Головнокомандувач ЗС України / General Valery Zaluzhny.

5/ one of the videos going on and on today (even if we don't know much about it... but as pointed out. got smoked from outside.. and with the "upper eyes" of operator with DRONES. (much need now, more than eve as Ukr move forward) ! help officials first!

6/ an example here in a tchat with friend Chuck and what new materials (even commercial ones) are able to bring in the heat of the battle!

7/ Now... about the alleged loss of Ru materials and casualties of the day : this indeed absolutely mind boggling (even for me, who told about Ukr actions to come for couple of months) to see such a "volume" & intensity right now! wooow! @arestovych was true to his word... !!

8/ Also... i warned you several time (from the ones here for a long time) i truly don't understand what is the psychopathology behind this.. but bro.. you are not living in occupied territory, no even in Ukraine!! what is wrong with you? stickers on mum's rear vehicle !??? sad.

9/ so as someone asked me it's not the "worst day for Russian so far (officially recorded) but it's definitely "up there" !
(yeah i had no time to update my Excel day tab as i had to work my ass off in my life this morning)

10/ you can still read this if new here :
(as we still don't know if Russian "official paper" leak was indeed a real one)


12/ Now about the situation today : UA counteroffensive south-east of #Kharkiv has achieved significant success during the last couple of days and while we were focusing rightfully so on #Kherson Oblast. The Ukrainian forces have managed to widen the breakthrough, & currently

13/ advancing (apparently & "reportedly" ) close to #Shevchenkove. answering someone this morning, no this was not a "trick" and Kherson Oblast is by all mean, 100% a goal to achieve for Ukraine. edition.cnn.com/2022/09/07/pol… but there are several things to say here about all this.

14/ first thing is the fact that i have seen some "maps" going around and it nearly gives me "brain strokes". seriously.
i'm sure some of you might "recognize" some of them.. it would be like (more "classy" but same intent) :

15/ Which is not helping much..
so first of all in #Balakleya #Balakliia #Балаклія this morning nothing was confirmed yet, but right now Gen staff indications & recents vids & pictures it seems it could be under Ukr hands.

16/ Alleged #Ukrainian first aid station center at #Balakleya #Balakliia #Балаклія in what seems to be what was a "garage" of some sort with concrete rooftop. not a lot of wounded soldiers apparently but high casualties are reported on both sides.

17/ Above the Administration building center of #Balakleya #Balakliia #Балаклія there is the flag #Ukraine.
and some people still reports that Ru troops are in the outskirts of the city. so this is not 100% over yet.
a @GeoConfirmed would be awesome here!-)

18/ so it's important to understand that this is not just a city but a strategic enclave this part of Ukraine and was captured by Orcs at the beginning of the war exactly for that reason, as it secured a Master place on the bank of the river and axis (road & train) to #Izyum

19/ the flag was reported there :
(thanks @antiwatnic ) so there is the only thing we are certain about...

20/ now... next : we still don't know about Ukrainian exact advance on the direction the #Shevchenkove area, & to what extent! Even some would claim they try to bypass the city. (yeah right... lol)
the worst is people on "osint" UKr reporting that "Rumors would let us believe..

21/ that #Ukrainians are already on their way to #Kupiansk " .
hence my fisrt "osintlolacademy" map.
but what is true is that we do have pics of Ukrainians outside #Shevchenkove (the paint was still fresh... so sad... nope)

22/ Some pro-Russian sources on Telegram are even reporting fighting in #Hrushivka between #Shevchenkove & #Kupyansk, saying :
"#Ukrainian forces are trying to block the road between the two cities." #Hrushivka #Грушівка 63758

23/ "to the complete encirclement of Izyum"
Firm and clear! And don't panic!
this would bring a tremendous pressure on the city of #izyum & all the Orcs still living in the area...
because don't forget that Ukr r still working hard to come back to #Oskil #Оскіл 64340 to trap them

24/ 🤣🤣🎉🎉👍 ("few years ago" 1943!)

25/ right now & at the same time it has been reported that several attacks were also taking place in #Morozivka #Морозівка 64241
which shows that they do have the ressources, the mean & standard coordination btwn all the other fronts of attacks in order to maximize the effect.

26/ & if correct #Dovhalivka #Довгалівка 64270
North #Zaliman is also under attack which could lead weh all the villages r taken (they are depleted right now as Ru thought Ukr would "nicely" stay put behind the donets and wait for "mercy") they could push coming days to #Vesele

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