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Sep 29, 2022, 10 tweets

THREAD: Did these people inflame tensions and/or attacks against Hindus in the UK?

#HindusUnderAttackInUK #Leicester #Birmingham #HateCrime #HinduphobiaIsReal


Sunny Hundal | Journalist: Cricket fans of mixed faith clashed in #Leicester, Hundal posted a tweet claiming “In Leicester extremist Hindutva groups go on the rampage in Leicester. Shocking stuff”. This unsubstantiated claim was a dog whistle that may have incited attacks.


Dr Rita Pal | Pakistani-British doctor: Known for raising issues relating to #Pakistani politics in the #UK. During the recent violence in Leicester, we believe she assisted the instigators and the Muslim extremist rioters to identify an apparent “RSS office” and attack it.


Guz Khan | British comedian, impressionist and actor: Guz Khan's baseless and bigoted tweet about so-called pro-Modi weirdos attacking Muslim and Sikh brothers in #Leicester may have further incited the #Islamist mob attacks on #Hindus.


Majid Freeman | We believe that #MajidFreeman is an #Islamist who has been instigating #Muslims against people of non-Islamic faiths. He has posted messages on social media promoting al-Qaeda and expressing sympathy for Syrian jihadist ‘martyrs’.


Majid Freeman falsely claimed that a #Muslim boy was harassed and assaulted by 2 #Hindu boys. This was falsified the very next day by East Leicester #Police.


Majid Freeman instigated Muslim youth claiming “They attacked a few people and were chanting against Pakistan on Melton Road. We all know they were really chanting against Muslims”. @leicspolice debunked his claim & said investigations revealed no such chants were raised.


Majid Freeman lied about the attempted assault and abduction of a Muslim girl, further raising tensions and sentiments against Hindus.


Riaz Khan | From #Leicester: Has continuously made baseless claims & cunning statements regarding so-called RSS, BJP and Hindutva extremists. Not a shred of evidence has been found on his claims. He justified and instigated violence against #Hindus on these baseless claims.


5 Pillars: We believe 5 Pillars is an #Islamist mouthpiece. It has been active in promoting anti-British, anti-Semitic, anti-Indian/Hindu content & attacking other non-Muslim groups. It has been active in promoting disinformation & fake news, often resulting in violence.


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