Tatiana Prowell, MD Profile picture
Oncologist serving people w/ #cancer in #MedEd, #SciComm, & #bcsm. Past ASCO Ed Chair. Cofounder @HCWvsHunger. #LongCovid. Team hope/good trouble/go high 🦋

Nov 15, 2022, 10 tweets

Learned so much in this evening's @AACI_Cancer@ webinar on physician use of social media! Dr. @fumikochino highlighted sev successful research collaborations that began via #SoMe & said that Twitter has helped a lot with the "hustle" all #MedTwitter junior faculty face.

Dr. @SyedAAhmad5, who began tweeting during the #pandemic, highlighted opportunities to expand reach of #MedEd via #SoMe. For example, he taught this to #MedStudentTwitter, then realized there was no reason the learning needed to be confined to his operating room. cc @AACI_Cancer

Drs. @Jasosamd, @fumikochino, & @SyedAAhmad5 provided examples of using #SoMe to inform #MedTwitter, #SurgTwitter, & the pt #advocacy community about one's own research, as well as to promote the work of colleagues, esp mentees.
#mentorship #HeForShe #SheForShe
cc @AACI_Cancer

I was honored to give a shout out to @acweyand & the entire @HCWvsHunger family for use of #SoMe to support a great cause & simultaneously boost #MedTwitter morale. To date, via #HCWvsHunger, we've raised >$788K to fight hunger during the #pandemic. #LetsGo 💪🍎
cc @AACI_Cancer

We talked about harnessing the power of #SoMe to build #MedTwitter community. Dr. @Jasosamd discussed the support & collaboration in online #SurgTwitter groups. Dr @fumikochino shared a poignant story about the impact of losing a pt #advocacy friend she knew only from Twitter.

We shared tips for #MedTwitter & #SurgTwitter colleagues of all ages starting out on #SoMe. Among the pearls:
💡Send your inaugural tweet at a conference (@fumikochino) for ⬆️engagement
💡Don't shy away from using the🎙️you've been handed, but tweet responsibly (@SyedAAhmad5 & me)

It's clear #SoMe can expand the reach of your work & your network, which should be reflected downstream in trad academic measures (eg. publications, talks, etc). But #AcademicTwitter is also prob overdue to account for social media directly in #MedTwitter promotions.

Last but not least, we talked about THE BIG Q: How much time should we spend on social media? Would #MedTwitter time be better spent elsewhere? We all recommended to know why you're on #SoMe, whether you're viewing content or creating your own, to avoid wasting time. cc @Jasosamd

Despite the challenges of #MedTwitter (in gen'l & recently...), this webinar reminded me why I ♥️ it here: great colleagues I might never have otherwise met, open exchange of ideas, opportunities for #MedEd, #mentorship, research collaboration, #advocacy, & more. Carry on, fam.😍

I'll close with this: if you're planning a panel, you NEED a surgeon moderator. Holy timekeeping, @Jasosamd! Zero rushing, exactly 60 mins. Planning a panel? Watch the @AACI_Cancer session (will post link in 🧵once recording avail). She's expert level. Mad respect, #SurgTwitter.

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