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Dec 9, 2022, 77 tweets


lnkd.in/eGDzy4s9 If Rishi Sunak wants to end the strikes, he has to engage with unions like Nicola Sturgeon.

lnkd.in/eGDzy4s9 The PM knows from furlough that working with unions is better than working against them.

lnkd.in/eGDzy4s9 Almost exactly a year ago, as the latest Covid variant hit the UK, Boris Johnson told the public to “think carefully” about mixing with relatives over Christmas.

lnkd.in/eGDzy4s9 Twelve months on, Home Secretary Suella Braverman has told the public to “think carefully” about foreign travel over this festive period too – because of strikes by Border Force.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Our Five Demands to tackle the crisis 1 A Real Pay Rise 2 Slash Energy Bills 3 End Food Poverty 4 Decent Homes for All 5 Tax the Rich a campaign to fight the cost of living crisis in our climate emergency. #CostOfLivingClimateJustice

VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED lnkd.in/eF4j6KsZ lnkd.in/ekjVqn3t Stop here awhile THE SYSTEM HAS FAILED lnkd.in/ekb8GBDj Show this thread lnkd.in/eRcbUN58 Show this thread #EarthKeepersUnite #ReDistributionOfWealth #CostOfLivingClimateJustice @CelovskyDanny

Kimwei - Stand Your Ground (for the people of Ukraine) 4 March 2022
- with love in my heart I wrote this song today for the people of the Ukraine and recorded it as soon as I could when had some time in my van. Sending love and angels.

Ukraine has considerable reserves of coal and lignite, estimated at 34.4 billion tonnes in the Donetsk coal basin (by far the most significant), the Dnieper and Lviv-Volyn coal basins, as well as the Dnieper-Donetsk and Transcarpathian coal

lnkd.in/eaz2Guxr pdf. ‘The problem of pathocracy’ Do psychologists have a responsibility to help prevent ruthless, amoral people attaining positions of power? Steve Taylor considers the arguments. #people #personalities #power

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