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Insides, investigations, information from the Kremlin. Stories of murders, terrorist attacks, political reprisals.

Dec 20, 2022, 11 tweets

Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin arrived in the Republic of #Belarus with a large delegation. #Lukashenko had to greet the "dear guest" with pomp and organize a big welcome.

#Lukashenko opposed the visit of the #Russian delegation and did a lot to try to disrupt this visit. The range of issues that #Putin and Lukashenko discussed, in open and closed formats, in the presence of members of delegations and in private, was quite extensive.

The #Russian President personally tried to convince the #Belarusian usurper of the wrong approach to conducting separate negotiations with the West and #China over the "elder brother's" head.

#Putin pointed out to #Lukashenko the "wrong" appointment of the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Belarus, saying that the new minister was no better than the late Makei, and such an appointment led to tension in relations between the leaders of the "brotherly" countries.

The President of #Russia reproached his #Belarusian colleague for the absence of real integration processes. During the conversation, #Putin insisted on intensifying the unification of the two countries into the Union State.

#Lukashenka had to agree, although he demanded nine billion dollars in return from the #Russian President for the internal needs of #Belarus next year.
Also, #Putin persuaded Lukashenko to participate in joint military exercises on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

They should take place next spring. The dates are still being discussed. The exercises themselves will again be a screen for preparing an offensive from the territory of the Republic of #Belarus to #Ukraine.

#Putin announced a preliminary figure of 80,000 #Russian troops to participate in the "exercises" and asked his #Belarusian counterpart to provide 30,000 troops from his side. #Lukashenko not only promised but also went all in.

Probably bluffing, #Lukashenko demanded #Putin place #Iranian ballistic missiles on the territory of the Republic of #Belarus, surprising the #Russian President with such an offer.
Lukashenko was soft and pliant in dealing with Putin.

But there are absolutely no guarantees that #Lukashenko will fulfill his obligations. Moreover, there is a high probability of sabotage on his part, as has happened many times. Interestingly, during a conversation with #Lukashenka, #Putin confirmed to him...

plans for a general mobilization in #Russia next year. At the press conference, #Lukashenko tried to hint at military plans, saying that they "in fact, today created the basis for a future breakthrough", adding: "we will make it."

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