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Dec 25, 2022, 16 tweets

1/ #GM and #MerryXmas!

What is @Treasure_DAO? What is @playbridgeworld? How does @Treasure_DAO keep all of their long list of connected games cohesive (hint: $MAGIC)? In this #visualthread, we will discuss how @Treasure_DAO aims to be the ‘decentralized gaming ecosystem’.

2/ Let’s take a brief overview of the whole @Treasure_DAO ecosystem. Multiple NFTs and #games are connected to Treasure, but at its core, stands @playbridgeworld.

Complete list of @Treasure_dao cartridges:

#GameFi #Web3 #Blockchain #NFT

3/ @playbridgeworld is where $MAGIC is mined (emitted). The whole process is gamified using social coordination and gameplay mechanics.

4/ How exactly is $MAGIC mined in @playbrigdeworld? It’s a tad complicated. But here’s our general visualized version to help you comprehend better.

5/ If you’ve been around long enough, the @smolverse brand should be nothing new to you. With the dynamic attributes #NFT they strive to bring utilities to NFT and transcend it to the masses. @Strider_DAO also working together for the upcoming of #Smolville #Metaverse.

6/ $MAGIC appears in three different forms — 1) $MAGIC, 2) $veMAGIC and 3) $gMAGIC. $MAGIC is also the main denominated currency for @Treasure_DAO cartridges in their NFT marketplace @TroveByTreasure.

7/ In-line with its nomenclature, #TreasureDAO utilizes $gMAGIC (from $veMAGIC or $MAGIC-$wETH LP token) to govern the #DAO.

Forum: gov.treasure.lol/overview
Vote: snapshot.org/#/treasuredao.…

8/ By integrating with @Treasure_DAO infrastructures, the web3 game's project gets direct access to a strong community in addition to potential grants and emissions. As the player (and project) count increases, the ecosystem benefits from increased demand and protocol revenues.

10/ As this thread was created, we are also excited to hear the news that @kurorobeast to join the @Treasure_DAO ecosystem! Looking forward to more games and potential crossover!

Thank you to @kurorosage and the team to bring this game to @arbitrum!

11/ If you're intrigued about what will be the future envisioned by @Treasure_DAO this podcast from @web3academy_ and @0xkarel will give you a glimpse.

12/ #Omake! we also prepared the #audiovsualthread experience for @Treasure_DAO. please put your 🔊on to tune in!

cc: @jpatten__ , @0xkarel

🎵 - Trapped in 8bit - Mai Ligne

@byChadManDan @NickDrakon @ReveloIntel @crypto_linn @blocmatesdotcom @archipelabro @chng_raymond @shivsakhuja @launchy_ @ManoppoMarco @Dynamo_Patrick @rektdiomedes @MeetWawa @CryptoDragonite @VirtualKenji @defi_mochi 16/ If you love our thread please like, retweet and turn on the notifications. Thank you and see you in the next year #visualguide!

#MerryChristmas everyone! enjoy your holiday!

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