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Dec 28, 2022, 41 tweets

The State Of San Francisco: A thread about the corrupt cycle of Local Leaders, Non-profits and Fentanyl.
By Darren Mark Stallcup, Founder Of The World Peace Movement.
#SanFrancisco #California #USA #TheWorldPeaceMovement
Fentanyl Emergency Petition:

San Francisco's fentanyl humanitarian crisis & inhumane street conditions continue to be a political cudgel for the worst offenders, outside & inside of this City. For kids growing up in The Bay Area, it was THE CITY. As in The Greatest City in the World. Now it's dying...

This month, the city closed down its Tenderloin Center in Union Square, a site that all of the people who work in the San Francisco administration knew about a while ago was hosting controlled fentanyl consumption events (but were not supposed to admit to) which enabled fentanyl.

Our local Gov. took a swipe at Union Square. Open drug use and rising
violence in the city's Tenderloin district forced Mayor London Breed to issue an emergency declaration (Only for Tenderloin Neighborhood) in December of last year, which led 2 the opening of the Linkage Center.

Mind y'all this all comes at a time when transnational criminal organizations that traffic synthetic
opioids, particularly fentanyl, are stoking overdoses around the U.S., killing an American every five minutes. China and Honduras must be held accountable for this genocide.

Between 2019-2022, Three Thousand plus people have died from fentanyl in #SanFrancisco Even though corrupt "Health Officials" and mistaken "Journalists" try to downplay the numbers. THE PEOPLE know that the actual real numbers of fentanyl deaths are higher. Some get on SFBART and

Ride the train all the way to #Antioch #California just to share the fentanyl with other users on the streets and eventually overdose themselves. The City of #SanFrancisco needs to look at surrounding county fentanyl deaths. Perhaps even so far as #Oregon

Fentanyl is killing people of all colors, creeds and religions. The drug does not discriminate and if you take a walk in San Francisco, You will see people of all colors, creeds and religions dying from fentanyl. 4$ for a gram of fentanyl is cheaper than the average cost of weed.

It's not like everybody is standing aside and watching people die. Many people have trained themselves to identify overdose and administer narcan. Most CVS Pharmacy in downtown #SanFrancisco offer free Narcan. It's become A mainstay of San Franciscos response to fentanyl.

On the other side of the fucking coin, you have #SanFrancisco government opening up public "Fentanyl Lounges" & giving out free fentanyl paraphernalia such as but not limited to syringe needles and tie offs. This has undoubtedly led to more fentanyl deaths. Fentanyl is NOT safe.

harm reduction advocates think San Franciscos need to open up supervised 'Safe Consumption" spaces where people use fentanyl, so that if an overdose occurs, they get quick medical help. But so far this has only caused more death and more sale opportunities for fentanyl dealers.

Early in the massive fentanyl outbreak from China, San Franciscans were overwhelmed by a wave of people who overdosed after cutting fentanyl with something else they thought they were taking. fentanyl was being found in cocaine, pills and even weed. Fentanyl = Death.

Fentanyl overdoses were responsible for more than 80% of all drug-related deaths among young adults in California in 2021. Fentanyl is now the most prevalent drugs involved in overdose deaths nationwide. Fentanyl is killing people across the #USA in record numbers. This is BAD.

The Cartel is targeting the youth. Fentanyl is finding its way into schools and playgrounds. Earlier this month a 10 month Child Overdosed on fentanyl after playing on a San Francisco playground. At what point do local leaders feel so ashamed that they resign from their position?

Local Moms @GMcDee2 @JacquiBerlinn started organizing MOTHERS AGAISNT DRUG DEATHS to combat the fentanyl humanitarian crisis happening in our community. They don't want anymore people dying from fentanyl and are committed to fighting it after they lost loved ones to fentanyl.

Local War Journalist @bettersoma has documented the fentanyl massacre for years. He has posted thousands of videos documenting the failures of corrupt local leaders and nonprofits. In spite of his extensive research mainstream news ignores Him because He is telling the truth.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named *Cough* Chesa Boudin *Cough* enabled chaos and fentanyl AND is largely responsible for a lot of the death and destruction that took place in #SanFrancisco over the last few years. Thank God the people recalled him from his position. He was very corrupt.

Mayor London Breed said she is tired of the bullshit last year. So far only more bullshit has happened under her corrupt leadership. For most people of #SanFrancisco The next Mayor election can't come any sooner. The people are tired of HER Bullshit & want to save San Francisco.

Police Chief William “Bill” Scott ain't doing shit. Period. #SanFrancisco

There are some local leaders taking action to stop fentanyl, THE PEOPLE of San Francisco largely support supervisor @mattdorsey & His efforts to make SF safer for Women & Children. Many people believe that Matt Dorsey should be the Mayor of #SanFrancisco as he is NOT corrupt.

A text book example of corrupt leadership within San Francisco Gov. is Dean Preston, who has not only allowed for death and destruction in his district but has even advocated for it. Dean Preston is the embodiment of the Far Left. I will run for office to replace him one day.

Two major problems with San Francisco Gov. are Coonie Chan & Hillary Ronen who are both VERY CORRUPT. As representatives of Asian Americans and Latino Americans - Most Asian Americans do NOT support Connie Chan & Most Latino Americans do NOT support Hillary Ronen. Why? Because

Connie Chan sold her soul for money, enabled fentanyl and corrupt policies. Hillary Ronen single handedly turned The Mission into The Missionloin, a Tenderloinized Mission District that used to be a great place for culture, art & food now mostly offers fetty and stolen goods.

Meanwhile countless families are LEAVING #SanFrancisco in the masses after our city has become unihabitable and Fentnayl, Rape and Murder runs rampants in every nieghborhood throughout all hours of the day. Raising children in San Francisco is damn near child endangerment.

San Francisco downtown has been ABANDONED. Office buildings are empty. No workers. Local business closed. Streets unpopulated. It's not because of the pandemic. It's because of Fentanyl. Fentanyl is bad for business. Unless you are a nonprofit. @michelletandler @EricaJSandberg

Tourists of all colors and creeds from around the world travel to San Francisco to see our countless beautiful wonders likes Cable Cars and Golden Gate Bridge. Only to be disturbed by the fentanyl humanitarian crisis and become the victim of bippin. A slang term that means a lot.

Bip. Or bippin. Definition: To destroy or steal private or public property. Originally meaning Blood In Peace, The Slang Word Bip was popularized by #SanFrancisco artist Darren Mark Stallcup with the release of his hit 2020 song “Bip City” which went largely unrecognized.

In reality, San Francisco Bay Area Theft is at an all time high with reports of theft being reported in the thousands. Some say it is because of inequality and state of our economy. Others say it’s about theft and opportunity. Either way do NOT leave any valuables in your car.

Unfortunately. Nobody gives a damn about bippin unless it’s Mr. Pelosi or Louis Vuitton. Walgreens across #SanFrancisco are ransacked every day multiple times a day. I have personally seen it happen 100+ times. Local leaders should shut the fuck up when I’m speaking on #ABC7 #CA

Small Mom & Pop shops are being bipped. Nobody bats an eye. @bettersoma the war journalist we mentioned early who has been documenting the fentanyl massacre for years, owns a small restaurant and it has been bipped on more than one occasion. Sandwiches 10/10 Fentanyl 0/10

It also must be noted that @bettersoma is giving out free HEALTHY food to the homeless which is sacrilegious to most homeless industrial complexes. He does it with love. If you look at his account, you will see the thousands of instances of the fentanyl crisis in #SanFrancisco

A local HERO is @war24182236 who is being shadow banned for exposing local leaders while simultaneously cleaning up the streets with a independent crew of changed hearts who He himself helped get them off of the streets and start making a difference in #SanFrancisco Yes J. Yes.

Another HERO is @Twolfrecovery who went from Zero to Hero. The Wolf Of Market Street. Literally addicted to drugs on the streets of San Francisco to becoming a key note speaker for REAL change in #SanFrancisco and not the for profit non profit kind of “change”. The human kind.

SF Chronicle used to be a noteworthy paper worth reading but ever since they sold their soul to #Yahoo, Far Left Journalist have failed the people of #SanFrancisco and advocated for the enabling of fentanyl which has only cause more death and destruction in our community. #News

I filled that video do the syringe needle in front of SF Chronicle Headquarters. The Irony is scary considering all the death happening just outside the building walls. Across the streets fires burn in between Greco Roma pillars foreshadowing the decline of western civilization.

Children in #SanFrancisco need school buses ASAP! instead of being forced to navigate through the trenches over bodies, fecal matter and fentanyl. @joerogan I need an interview. The shit I see living in San Francisco is incredible. Women and Children are NOT safe. #Emergency #USA

Winter is here. For most people on the streets, fire is the only source of heat. As extreme weather make #SanFrancisco #Winter more colder, more and more people are resorting to extreme measures just to survive the cold. Lately it’s been raining a lot. #Weather #Ca #climate

The fentanyl humanitarian crisis is having a negative impact on public transportation. Here you can see a fentanyl user taking a “Nap” on the SFBART train. Local citizens normalized to the chaos. @joerogan this is the craziest video you ever saw. I filmed it in #SanFrancisco #CA

Pray for San Francisco... I know the world is watching #England #Ukraine #Taiwan #Iran Etc…

Is it possible For the world To care about #SanFrancisco

This is a fentanyl humanitarian crisis…

This is an emergency…
@joerogan @BBC @NPR @VICE @BuzzFeed

This is Uninhabitable…

One of my best friends… 18yo African American skateboarder Zion (one of the best skaters in San Francisco) was shot twice in the head by a fentanyl dealer. Fortunately He lived. Though He is now blind, Zion still skateboards. Here is the article:…

The medical industrial complex. Health officials are corrupt and collude with government officials. Yes chemicals are being produced for noble medical reasons. But somehow fentanyl ends up in San Francisco via China Government and Honduran Cartel. And then the far left comes in.

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