BOY! The amt of disinfo here can make it difficult for anyone to decide true & false. Given the conflicts that are raging & political posturing between #US & #China #US & #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #India & #China I have a unique thread #εpsilon
No. 1, The event eg. something happens btw 2 countries, trust in this order and identify overlaps. The overlap is usually true.
1: Unedited videos of same event, multiple angles
2: Unedited pics of same event, multiple angles
3: Directly or indirectly corroborated by both
Eg 1. Moskva sinking
3a: #Ukraine claim, Moskva sunk by AShMs
3b: #Russsia claim, Moskva sunk by fire & storm
2: Pics of Moskva with sooty hull, big black marks/holes on the hull near water line away from openings.
1: Video of Moskva showing all in pt 2.
Conc: Moskva sunk by AShM
Eg 2. #Indian #MiG21 shoots down #Pakistani #F16
3a: #India claim, #F16 shot down by #MiG21 over Pak airspace
3b: #Indian AEWAC snap of trail disappearing
3c: #Pakistani claim of multiple pilots on ground after #Indian #MiG shot down and pilot ejected
3d: #Pakistani claim of....
one #Indian pilot in custody and one in hospital when #MiG21 was single seat
3e: #US award for keeping #F16 tech safe.
2: Pics of spent warhead of #Indian missile (right extreme) and #MiG21
No pics or videos of #F16 wreckage
Conclusion: #Pakistan lost a jet that day v high prob, most likely #F16, very likely shot down by #Indian #MiG21
Another factor to consider
1. What does a source have to lose image wise if proven otherwise?
2. Source's history of transparency?
3. Source's history of acceptance when wrong?
4. Source's understanding of what they are talking about?
Use all these and you will be fine.
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