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Vedic scriptures, history and geopolitics

May 3, 2023, 13 tweets

What did Putin do for Russia?

A look at how Vladimir Putin Transformed Russia from a broken state post-USSR day into a world Power both economically as well as militarily.



1. Putin increased Russia's budget 22 times, military spending - 30 times, and GDP - 12 times (Russia jumped from 36th place in the world in terms of GDP to a top 10 place). That too despite the USA and its vassal states running a long and sustained campaign to run down the……

2. Russia Increased gold and foreign exchange reserves by 48 times.


3. Russia returned 256 mineral deposits to Russian jurisdiction. Russia has the largest reserve of the natural resources worth approx. 75 Trillion USD.


4. Putin disrupted the most “liberal” production-sharing agreement in history – the PSA. Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) was an agreement under which America plundered Russia in the 90s and in return Yeltsin got loans. Putin fought for its abolition for almost 4 years with the……

5. Putin Nationalized 65% of the oil industry and 95% of the gas and many other industries.
This ended post soviet corruption and made Russia one of the leading producers of gas and oil. Russia contributes 14% of the global oil supply. Russia is the world’s second-largest……

6. Raised industry and agriculture (Russia has been ranked 2nd-3rd in the world in terms of grain exports for 5 years in a row, overtaking the US, which is now in 4th place).

7. Putin Increased average salaries in the public sector 18.5-fold in 12 years, and average pensions 14-fold.

8. Created a social policy framework that Reduced the extinction of the Russian population from 1.5 million people a year in 1999 to 21,000 in 2011, i.e., a reversal 71.5-fold.

9. Putin Canceled the Khasavyurt Accord – defending the integrity of Russia.
Khasavyurt Accord was an agreement that marked the end of the First Chechen War, signed in Khasavyurt in Dagestan on August 30, 1996, between Alexander Lebed and Aslan Maskhadov.
Khasavyurt Accord took……

10. Made known the NGO-5th column and banned deputies from having accounts abroad.

11. Global Fire power raking for world militaries
For 2023, Russia is ranked 2 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. The nation holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.0714 (a score of 0.0000 is considered 'perfect').


12. Russia shut down Western left Kabal LGBTQ propaganda by passing a bill in the year 2022. This just saved Russia's society and culture from degradation, unlike the USA, where the president himself seems to be confused about his gender identity and openly promotes LGBTQ……

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