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Journalist @ https://t.co/cWqTruAQ4q I tweet with documents.

May 9, 2023, 7 tweets

As some of us celebrate the #Soviet victory over Nazism, let us remember the filthy role of the Canadian state, before, during and after #WWII. Prime Minister King, a vicious anti-Semite, was the most pro-appeasement leader in the British Empire, and was fond of Hitler

The Canadian state's interest in WWII was to use the war to whip up #nationalism and stamp out #socialist organizing at home, and to defend British #imperialism abroad. The Canadian state was happy to take on a founder of the Nazi Party, Otto #Strasser, as a political advisor.

Strasser's plan was to stage a #coup, so that the #Allies could cut a deal with the 'good Nazis.' But Strasser was a fraud, and only reluctantly, when no 'good Nazis' could be found to cut a deal with, did the Allies invade. The cream of the Nazi army was defeated by the #Soviets

Immediately after the war, the Canadian state lost whatever aversion they may have had previously to Nazis and fascist #collaborators. With the help of the #Vatican, PM Louis St Laurent personally intervened to bring the Slovak #fascist and war criminal Karol Sidor to Canada.

Most critically, the Canadian state admitted tens of thousands of Ukrainian Nazis, former members of OUN / UPA who were hired by companies to put down strikes and violently attack union organizers. Anti-Nazi Ukrainian Canadians were a principal target, and suffered many assaults.

Nazi collaborators were not just tolerated, but sought after. Latvian fascist Alfred Valdmanis was brought in to run the economy of #Newfoundland, but was soon found to be totally corrupt. He was jailed for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars. heritage.nf.ca/articles/polit…

One could go on and on. Suffice to say that the Canadian ruling class today has zero qualms about funding and arming outright Nazis in #Ukraine. They try to cover it up with empty phrase-mongering about 'democracy' but it's a fraud.
С Днём Победы!

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