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May 12, 2023, 25 tweets

A Swiss tech expert runs a global phone surveillance system for Deep State, and it is a spider's web we never knew, existed.

Let us decode, how it works:


#Assange #Snowden #surveillance #CIA #MOSAD #MI6 #USA #UK #spying #TechSurveillance #China #Russia…

1. Welcome to the world of surveillance contractors, telecom access brokers, and an industry of grey actors with seemingly legitimate businesses. Some are regulated, some are procured by state clients - and some are sold to private actors, providing hackers and criminals alike……

2. At the center of this global telecom surveillance web is a tech expert and telecom entrepreneur, a former ally of Julian Assange and vocal critic of the security state, now turned surveillance industry enabler.
His name is Andreas Fink.

#Assange #Snowden #surveillance…

3. Andreas Fink has built a surveillance apparatus that he has put at the disposal of governments and companies around the world including Israel’s Rayzone Group, a top-tier cyber intelligence company. Fink’s set-up is capable of exploiting loopholes in mobile phone connection……

4. A computer and telecommunications engineer, Fink is a former payment processor for Wikileaks, an entrepreneur who supports the libertarian Pirate Party but masterminds a global surveillance infrastructure that he has placed at the disposal of governments and companies,……

5. Andreas Fink offers his customers the ability to use a highly customizable interface, called Venotex, to send tracking requests via a roster of phone network access points that he maintains. Venotex was the system seemingly linked to the software used by Team Jorge. Fink……

6. One of Fink’s systems was seen in the system used by the Israeli hacker-for-hire and disinformation group Team Jorge as part of their operations, which required access to the global cellular network. An international investigation led by underground journalists revealed that……

7. When underground reporters asked about his role as an access broker exploiting telecom networks, Fink said: “I’m by far not the only kid on the block”. He cited “bigger companies with fewer scruples” including NSO Group, FinFisher, and Hacking Team, and said that “Israel,……

8. Andreas Fink has offered location tracking services to multiple governments and companies, directly and through intermediaries. In Africa, he pitched projects in Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo and provided technical assistance to a service provider for a government……

9. Among his current customers is Rayzone Group, a high-end Israeli surveillance company that sells a “remote and undetectable” location tracking tool called Geomatrix. The firm was implicated in the operation to recapture fleeing Emirati princess Latifa al-Maktoum as she……

10. Fink has also in the past worked with two other Israeli surveillance firms, Verint and Septier, both of which offer location-tracking services to government agencies. These companies tested his systems “but it never came to a viable long-term business."


11. A look at the websites of Rayzone and Septier clearly shows the extent and capability of their offerings and it looks like a Walmart of Surveillance software and tools.
#Assange #Snowden #surveillance #CIA #MOSAD #MI6 #USA #UK #spying #TechSurveillance #China #Russia

12. Global span of Hire for pay Mobile Surveillance
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he demonstrated his surveillance system to intelligence officials. The demo involved him pinpointing the location of an individual who, the officials said, operated an anonymous……

13. So how this web of mobile spying works?
Central to understanding the Adreas Fink's operation is a list of network access points, called “global titles”. These GTs are not only operated by telephone service providers but also leased by private companies from SMS vendors to……

14. SS7 and hacking the locations and SMSs details on behalf of espionage clients
There's also evidence of successful SMS interceptions conducted over Finks infrastructure. Fink's systems carried out frequent and sustained attempts to extract information, including location……

15. How SS7 Attack works to hack SMSs and geolocation:
SS7 attacks are mobile cyber attacks that exploit security vulnerabilities in the SS7 protocol to compromise and intercept voice and SMS communications on a cellular network. Similar to a Man In the Middle attack, SS7 attacks……

16. Step 1 of SS7 Mobile Network Hacking
S7 attacks exploit the authentication capability of communication protocols running atop the SS7 protocol to eavesdrop on voice and text communications. All a cybercriminal would need to successfully launch an SS7 attack are a computer……

17. Step 2 of SS7 Mobile Network Hacking

Once connected to an SS7 network, the hacker can target subscribers on the network while fooling the network into thinking the hacker device is actually an MSC/VLR node. When a hacker successfully performs a MitM phishing attack, they……

18. Two-factor authentication a common security precaution used by many is one of the targets of SS7 attacks. Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) via SMS using SS7 is inherently flawed as these SMS messages are unencrypted and hackers know how to intercept them. With……

19. Major SS7 Attacks
In 2021 a security analyst saw some unusual activity in Southeast Asia. An attacker tried to access internet accounts belonging to wealthy investors in the country, using a technique to redirect security SMSs to the attacker. Some of these attacks succeeded,……

20. Major SS7 Attacks
In two earlier cases, U.K. GTs registered to Adreas Fink’s bankrupt former company, SMSRelay, were also implicated in account takeover attacks, this time specifically aimed at financial assets of phone users. In 2017 a group of bank customers lost money……

21. Death delivered at your doorstep through your mobile
in January 2021 Fink leased access to more than a dozen global titles from phone networks in the Pacific Ocean in Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. The following year, on 21 August, according to confidential……

22. An example of "How Global surveillance and espionage work"
1. Jet linked to Israeli spyware tycoon brings spy tech from EU to notorious Sudanese militia
2. Israeli iPhones hacked with NSO’s Pegasus spyware twice in two years
3. The Israelis destabilizing democracy and……

23. An example of "How Global surveillance and espionage work"
5. Pegasus spyware maker NSO has 22 clients in the European Union. And it's not alone.
6. Israeli spy tech sold to Bangladesh, despite dismal human rights record
7. Israel's Cyber-spy Industry Helps Dictators Hunt……

24. So if you think that your logins and passwords are secure and safe, double check and READ MY THREAD HERE😂 to understand that you might be HACKED...!!!
From anywhere, anytime, by anyone with a Linux system and internet connection!!!

Stay Alert
Stay Safe


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