Here's a tweetstorm summarizing highlights from all 12 proposals:
- Price: $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Hours: 7AM - 8PM
- Avg 9 trips per scooter per day
- 24/7 multilingual phone support
- Proposed painting designated scooter parking
- Prototyping ability to detect sidewalk riding
- Integrate 311 reports
- Currently 30K vehicles in USA

- Pricing: $2 dollars for 15 mins, $.10 a min after
- Hours: 24/7
- Off street parking in 40 garages around SF
- Field swappable batteries
- Ability to turn off areas as a parking zone
- Support 'lock-to' requirement
- Will add helmets to Scooter
- Waterproof!

- Undercutting everyone w/ pricing $1 for 15 minutes. $.07 cents min after.
- Hours: 24/7
- Field swappable batteries
- Partnership w/ PayNearMe for underbanked
- Leverage UberEATs partners for Parking <<<
- Using new GPS tech to improve accuracy
- Scooter: FITRIDER

- Price: $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Hours: 6AM - 8PM
- Operated 1600 vehicles in SF at peak
- Emphasizes S.O.S pledge
- Donate $1 dollar per scooter per day to SFMTA
- Against the "lock-to" requirement
- Contracts between 80 and 120 “Chargers” per City.

- Price: $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Emphasized vehicle engineering team
- Investing in local infrastructure, $1m over next 2 years.
- Community Advisory Team.
- Toll free # to report bad behavior.
- Minimotors Scooter
- Proposed Clipper Card Integration <<<

- Offer incentives to connect to Public Transit
- Creation of 'Mobility Hubs' (Re: Motivate Acq.)
- Price: $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Reservations: $.15 a min <<<
- Ninebot Scooters ES2/M365
- Display bike lanes in app
- Hours: 4AM -10PM
- Donate $1 per vehicle per day

- Price: $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Emphasized Mobile App accessibility
- Developed a 'lock-to' mechanism
- Scooter: Ninebot m365 or ES4
- No independent contractors

- $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Hours: 7AM-8PM
- Against 'lock-to' mechanism
- Aim to make available at least 1 scooter within 900 feet of users
- Spin Local: Partner w/ local businesses to reimburse riders trips to retailers <<

- $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Integrate public and private transportation
- 24/7 customer service
- Hours: 5AM - Midnight
- Hopr Ponds: Scooter parking racks
- Helmet w/ every scooter
- Future Hopr scooters will have user swappable battery packs! BYOB. (h/t @AsherOfLA)

- $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Hours: 6AM - 9PM
- Designed lockable docking stations
- Scooter: UScooter Booster Plus
- OEM has sold 100K units globally
- 25 mile range

- $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- Emphasized 'brand equity' & 18 years of experience
- Hours: 7AM-8PM
- 15 MPH top speed, '80 minute range'
- Employ parking monitors
- Against 'lock-to' requirement
- Estimate lifespan of scooters under heavy use: 180+ days,

- $1 to start + $0.15 per min
- City employees get 50% discount (Is this legal?)
- Hours: 7AM-8PM
- Riders snap a selfie to confirm they are wearing a helmet.

- Commitment to advocate and/or donate to bike/scooter infrastructure.
- Open data sharing with cities.
- Connect scooters to the public transit system.
- Hard vehicle cap prevents reliable/equitable service.
Dig in for yourself here:…