In view of the opprobrium heaped on Boris for some disobliging personal opinions on the aesthetics of the burka & niqab, while NB adamant that it should *not* be banned, a mini-thread on what some of his most prominent detractors have had to say on the subject
Here, first, is Polly Toynbee on it, as far back as 28 Sep 2001:
‘an instrument of persecution, a public tarring & feathering of female sexuality’.
Umm, doesn’t Boris’ comment seem a trifle mild in comparison to that?

Not to be outdone, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on the burqa, 13 July 2009:
‘neither Islamic nor socially acceptable’
Erm, wasn’t Yasmin sort of arguing the reverse of that against Claire Fox just two nights ago?

And here's Yasmin again, 17 May 2010:
‘no Koranic instruction to cover the face’, and ‘organised brainwashing is leading to the blanking out of female Muslim presence and individuality from the public space’
Isn’t that kinda, you know, ‘Islamophobic’?

And, to top it off, his most trenchant critic, the dubious Baroness Warsi herself, on only 30 May 2017:
‘Muslims should help the veil to disappear’
Goes a bit beyond Boris, no? Ah, but he’s Kuffar, isn’t he?