«I have shown you, dearest daughter, a sample of the excellence of good priests (for what I have shown you is only a sample of what that excellence really is), and I have told you of the #dignity […] 1/14
You should love them therefore by reason of the virtue and dignity of the Sacrament, and by reason of that very virtue and dignity […] 3/14
This, then, is your duty according to the demands of charity, and thus […] 6/14
Their sins indeed should displease you, and you should hate them, and strive with love and holy prayer to re-clothe them, […] 9/14
It not being My will that they should be in this state, you should #pray for them, and not judge them, leaving their judgment to Me. […] 12/14
This is especially for you, @schrenk, @JuanchoS, @ElenaFeick, @CaptPeabody – thanks much and may God bless you for your faith and confidence.