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May 9th 2023
5 Simple Steps to Recruit Volunteers In a Small Church
#church #pastoring #ministry #leadership

The primary calling of the pastor is to equip God’s people to do the work of ministry (Eph 4:11-12).
But what if you can’t find volunteers to do that work, including specific events and ministries?

Should you make a general announcement? Or do one-on-one requests?

Especially in a small church, do both.

Here's a five-step process:
Step 1: Make General Announcements
Use your bulletin, weekly email, Facebook page, Sunday announcements, and so on.

Don’t be surprised if you receive little or no response. You’re not expecting them yet, so if you get any it’s a bonus.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
Eight Priorities Of A Healthy Church

Here are eight ways healthy churches prioritize what matters to them. 🧵

#Church #ministry #Jesus
1. People Before Buildings
There are too many churches that remain unwilling to adapt the facility to the needs of the ministry. Healthy churches see facilities as a tool to reach people in Jesus’ name, not as an end in themselves.
2. Generosity Before Budgets
A generous church gives of their money, time, and skills based on the need, not on the budget. Generosity is not about finances, it’s gratefulness turned outward.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Mar. 3:
1/ #ISW: #Russians #Bryansk reaction

More on #Russian #Volunteer #Corps” & #Russian freak out over #Bryansk incident:

@TheStudyofWar report:
#Russian officials continued to release limited ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #FalseFlag #Propaganda…
Mar. 3:
2/ #ISW: #Russians #Bryansk reaction

..”#Information” about the Mar. 2 #Incursion in #Bryansk Oblast but 🔸#Failed to provide clarity about what actually #Transpired.🔸[#Russia found the #Incident ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Misinformation…
Read 25 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Mar. 1:
1/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

#Putin's #Money for the #War may run out in the summer - @Forbes. A few important figures:

🔸#Russia is approaching a #Fiscal #Collapse

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine .@ZelenskyyUa .@DmytroKuleba…
Mar. 1:
2/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

Report by #Telegram @CrimeanWind
See for yourself:

- In 2022, #Russia's #Monthly check for the #War averaged $9.5 billion, @Forbes.

- In 2023, #Putin increased ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Budget…
Mar. 1:
3/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

.. increased the #Defense #Budget to about $12 billion a #Month.

The #Cost of the #War in tandem with a record drop in #Oil & #Gas #Revenues will empty the ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Money #War…
Read 16 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Mar. 1:
#Explosions were heard in #Chernomorskoye, #Crimea, all night until 5 in the morning, our subscriber reports. [Source of explosions not given]

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Crimean…
Mar. 1:
1/ #Drone #Attacks on #Crimea

Reports received before official:

- 4:25 AM
In #Mikhailovka, at the exit to #Novofedorovka. Something shooting at the airfield is being taken
- 4:39 AM
Something incomprehensible is..continued

Mar. 1:
2/ #Drone #Attacks on #Crimea

- 4:39 AM
.. incomprehensible is happening in #Simferopol, #Planes & #Helicopters fly non-stop over the city
- 4:45 AM
And there are more patrol #PoliceCars in #Simferopol
.. continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 24th 2022
#Service #Fellowship #Ministry
Life events, concerts, workshops, #empowerment

Love and Faith bring the community together.… ImageImage
Since the church has reopened, surveys and guidance from community members of various affiliations and faiths, have helped guide the programming.

The church has reestablished a faithful presence, and become a resource for those in need.

From pantry item distribution

(2/n) Image
..taking place Tuesday and Friday, distributing groceries (no prepared food is given out), joining many other grocery distribution points across the city during this particularly difficult time

(3/n) Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
May 4th 2021
India has received tonnes of medical supplies from several friendly countries as aid in its fight against the catapulting coronavirus crisis. But where are all these supplies headed? #CoronavirusPandemic #IndiaCovidCrisis #IndiaNeedsOxygen #CoronaVaccine…
Indian as well as foreign media have struggled to find that out, but to no avail. Even Union Ministries in India are unable to offer much clarity on the issue. An officer said that all the foreign aid is being received by the Indian Red Cross. #aid #RedCross #IndiaNeedsOxygen
It is then sent to the Ministry of External Affairs, and thereafter, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Affairs step in for domestic distribution. However, reportedly, no Ministry offered any details about the distribution of COVID-19 relief consignments. #Ministry
Read 7 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
So this #Stupidity hits close to home. So a #discussion on #arsenicum album 30.
📌30 means 30 times diluted, standard for #Homeopathy
📌What is #diluted? ➡️ #Arsenic trioxide
📌#homeopath says only 0.443mg of compound per pellet
📌Thats #safety levels right? ➡️ NO.
Read on
#Arsenic whatever form, concentration, level, is #dangerous #harmful to #humans.
📌Even LOW DOSE intermediate to #long use can lead to #Cancer
📌Actually, many types of #Cancers - #skin, #liver, #bladder, #kidney, #lung
📌Those with #diabetes #heartdisease its #deathwish
📌NOT one proper #study on this #drug in #Medical #history
📌Read artilce @AltNewsScience debunking fake evidence:
📌#traditional use was in #diarrhea
📌#pseudoscience at its best
👇 Arsenic is As and not ARS
🔥Even though arsenicum album is #crap
Read 5 tweets
May 10th 2020
1/20 unfinished thoughts...#online Church has been dismissed for years: a ‘last resort’, a ‘pale imitation’, ‘only just better than nothing’ are 3 verdicts I've heard. Some say how much they #mourn the loss of meeting in church buildings. It's a heavy loss, a significant sorrow.
2/20 But, as with many who #grieve, in our sorrow we must be careful not to #wound others, as #mainstream #church struggles to inhabit what has been the lived, continuous (sometimes total) experience of #disabled #christians, Christians with #mentalhealth struggles...
3/20 ...Christians who are #carers for those who can't #access #Church as we knew it & Christians who work shifts. In our thrashing about in this new arena, we should be careful not to push out those whose #spiritual #home this has been for a long time...
Read 20 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
Nothing encourages, strengthens, and uplifts like having a team of devoted believers who understand their callings and are committed to being a blessing in God's vineyard and the world at large. Image
Great time at our Global workers Meeting today as we once again charged ourselves to becoming fully devoted followers of Christ, vision casting, and effectiveness in ministry. Image
And we are trusting God that in this season of new beginnings, we will in a greater dimension be faithful and worthy stewards of all that God has committed into our hands and invested in us.
#GlobalWorkersMeeting #Ministry #MakingGreatnessCommon Image
Read 3 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
10. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq

#Iraq #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren
1. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼…
2. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼
Read 117 tweets
Sep 19th 2019
#TRIBECON begins #Pravara; felicitations to #AbhayBang @SearchGad & #sudarshan #VGKK for their inspiring work on #TribalHealth; @DrLahariya @whoindia among others felicitated
#abhayBang #healthsystem design for tribal communities need to be relooked for #UHC; strategies & schemes must adapt with local social & cultural context; recollects #Brainstorming with @DesirajuKeshav at @SearchGad leading to #ExpertCommittee #tribalhealth @TribalHealthIND
#TRIBECON #AbhayBang notes with happiness increasing interest in #tribalhealth research, yet this continues to be “off the beaten path”; congratulations to #pravara medical college in bringing this together; the proposed #Bandardhara declaration to improve #tribalhealth research
Read 81 tweets
Apr 26th 2019
This thread will list down the 75 reasons why everyone should vote for @narendramodi and @BJP4India

Thanks to @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha for coming up with these brilliant 1 minute videos.

My effort here is to list all the 75 reasons in a single thread
#Reason1 - @BJP4India MPs work for you.

👉 #Attendance #DiscussBills
👉#PassLaw #75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk by @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha -

#Reason2 - Electricity for All

👉 100% Rural Electrification #DeendayalGramJyotiYojana
👉 Electrification of 100% households #Saubhagya

@PiyushGoyal @grameenvidyut

#75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk @muglikar_
Read 76 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
If #Christians would stop getting in #verbal #disagreements about whether or not to focus #international or here at #home #imagine how much #more would get done as far as #ministry , #activism & #humanitarian #relief is concerned? Think about that. I do both international & here
We need #more #unity in #church . If you got time to #tweet about being #dissatisfied with something, you got time to #pray about it. Same goes for any part of the #government .
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
Jeremiah 29:7 NIV…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
Jesus to st. Catherine of Siena, from “The Dialogue of Divine Providence”:
«I have shown you, dearest daughter, a sample of the excellence of good priests (for what I have shown you is only a sample of what that excellence really is), and I have told you of the #dignity […] 1/14
[…] in which I have placed them, having elected them for My ministers, on account of which dignity and authority I do not wish them to be punished by the hand of seculars on account of any personal defect, for those who punish them offend Me miserably. […] 2/14
[…] For every virtuous man is worthy of love, and these all the more by reason of the #ministry which I have placed in their hands.
You should love them therefore by reason of the virtue and dignity of the Sacrament, and by reason of that very virtue and dignity […] 3/14
Read 15 tweets

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