Peter: Do you think Santa-Claus-ism is a religion?
Dave: By what definition?
Peter: I think you just answered my question.
Dave: No, I didn't.
Peter: Yes you did.
Peter, an Identitarian Atheist, will not entertain definitions anymore than Godless™ Engineer will.
That way, no counterexamples can ever be brought against the claim. It is like saying "X is bad," without defining X.
Can't make it out. Little help, Dave?
(Great meme work, @blackdazed2)

Dave: Would Tibetan Buddhism be a religion?
Peter: Buddhism IS a religion.
Dave: It doesn't believe in a God or gods or a higher supernatural power.
Peter gives (for once) a CLEAR DEFINITION (although a bad one). Dave produces an immediate COUNTEREXAMPLE, one which is ACCEPTED by Peter—thus undermining Peter's definition. Peter refutes his own definition.
But Peter acts as if Dave TRICKED HIM somehow.
Dave: "If you give me a definition then you have to stick to it."
Peter: "Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!"