It takes about ~921 MJ to heat up and melt a 1000 kg steel car. You could *melt* 250 trillion autos, or 250,000x the number of all cars on the world’s roads today (~1B cars).
You could vaporize the entire global fleet of a billion autos with that much heat, and have enough left over to do it 31,900x more.
The Hiroshima atomic bomb released ~63 TJ (6.3e13 J) of energy when it exploded, decimating a city and killing approximately a hundred thousand people.
The buildup of heat in our oceans today is (check notes) nearly 4 BILLION Hiroshima bombs.
There is about 18x that much heat stored up in the world’s oceans right now. We’re adding another global nuclear fleet’s worth of energy every ~17 months.
I wanted to give folks an idea how much energy that is. Water has a HUGE heat capacity, the amount of heat is mind boggling. I hope I’ve gotten you to think about the scale a bit. /fin