Feel free to like/❤ a topic you’d attend and @ people you think should submit a talk on this topic. I have A LOT of ideas so I’ll spread this out over a few days maybe a week depending on how this goes.
- using #spockfw in a polyglot organization including any tips/tricks for integrating with other languages like #Java and #Kotlin
- the top things you wish you knew when you started using spock
- good testing practices in general
- best practices, data formats, and tradeoffs
- creating vs consuming APIs
- which libraries can help like #springdata#springsecurity and #springrestdocs
- how to test the API
It doesn't need to be #groovylang specific. It can be something any developer would be interested in seeing including integrations for #jira, #github#intellij#trello#slack etc and process hacks
9/ A retrospective/case study of something your company tried that did or didn’t work