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Apr 19th 2023
1/ Exciting news for VASPs (Read: #crypto businesses)! 🤩

We're launching #VeriscopeIaC, a powerful solution 💪 streamlining the Veriscope server deployment process. 🚀

More details here 👉 Image
2/ It integrates with popular platforms & tools like #AWS, #Terraform, and #Ansible, & is flexible enough to work with other cloud platforms too! ☁️🔧

 VASPs, get ready to experience smooth deployment, from setup to usage! 🌟
3/ Follow our comprehensive guide 📖 and your Veriscope Server will be up & running in no time! ⏱️ 

Dive into the "infra" folder 📂 in the Veriscope repo to find the IaC magic. ✨

Veriscope IaC makes managing multiple environments (test, dev, staging, prod) a breeze! 🍃💻
Read 6 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
Data analyst @gregsutcliff has some extremely insightful data in his 'Ansible - State of the Community 2023' post:… #ansible #opensource
Following up on some of the notes about the decline—as someone who's worked on both sides of the Red Hat fence, I think one big shift is IBM's purchase, and how that affected the community dynamics. Two big things happened (both percolated a while):
1. There was definitely a bit of a shift from the spunky 'get Ansible to do little things and grow into automated all the things' feel from the early days to 'Ansible is an enterprise application. It's not like python/shell scripting anymore.'

(Though it is... sorta) and
Read 5 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
Kubernetes Tutorials For Beginners📚

1️⃣What Is Kubernetes Architecture?…

2️⃣Kubernetes Basic Concepts & Examples…

#devops #kubernetes #k8s #linux #docker #sysadmin #Azure #infrastructureascode #serverless #terraform #ansible
3️⃣ How to Manage Secrets in Kubernetes – A Complete Guide…

4️⃣ Kubernetes Security: 5 Best Practices for 4C Security Model…
5️⃣ Kubernetes Ingress with NGINX Ingress Controller Example…

6️⃣ 15 Kubernetes Best Practices Every Developer Should Know…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
Actualmente, cada vez se solicitan más #DevOps y sin embargo hay poquísimos perfiles en el mercado. ¿Quieres aprender DESDE CERO y GRATIS para poder entrar en esta rama del #SectorIT? 🤔 ¡Te dejo HILO 🧵con 5⃣ recursos 🔝🔝🔝! #informatica #programacion #software
Este curso en inglés es MUY completo: desde cero, abarca todos los conceptos básicos de #Jenkins, #Docker, #Kubernetes, #Puppet, #Ansible y encima te deja 7⃣8⃣ preguntas técnicas típicas de entrevista técnica resueltas. MUY 🔝 #devops #informatica #it
Este curso de @edurekaIN también es una auténtica locura 🙀: en 7⃣h todos los conceptos básicos de #Jenkins, #Docker, #Kubernetes, #Ansible, #Puppet, #Nagios revisados. MUY 🔝🔝 #informatica #programacion #software
Read 7 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
Ansible Tutorials For Beginners📚 🧵

1️⃣Ansible Roles: How to Combine Them With Playbooks…

2️⃣Working with Ansible Playbooks…

#devops #kubernetes #cicd #k8s #linux #docker #sysadmin #automation #ansible #serverless #terraform #yaml
3️⃣Ansible Tutorial for Beginners: Ultimate Playbook & Examples…

4️⃣How to Use Different Types of Ansible Variables (Examples)…
5️⃣Ansible Modules – How To Use Them Efficiently (Examples)…

6️⃣44 Ansible Best Practices to Follow [Tips & Tricks]…
Read 3 tweets
May 31st 2022
Day 1 of learning #Ansible Automation.

Run my first simple simple playbook for updating two VM's.

I intend to log my progress/journey along with useful resources in this thread: 👇🧵
But first, what is #Ansible?

Simply put, its a an open source DevOps tool/IT automation engine that automates provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and many other IT processes.
Off course there exists other alternatives to #Ansible, including:
✅ Rudder
✅ SaltStack
✅ Puppet Enterprise
✅ Chef
✅ CFEngine
✅ Gitlab CI
✅ Jenkins
But after consulting a few buddies, i got to learn that its pretty easy to get started.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
What is CI/CD?

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are two approaches to software development that are designed to improve code quality and enable rapid delivery and deployment of code.

#DevOps #CICD #Cloud #Agile #Testing #Cloud #Linux #Security #ITjobs Image
A modern CI/CD pipeline in DevOps has build, test, and deploy stages-and aims to automate as many of the processes within these stages as possible.

1. Source Code: Changes to source code can trigger CI/CD tools to initiate the pipeline, or the CI/CD pipeline may be triggered Image
by automated scheduled work sessions or user-initiated workflows.
2. Build: The new code changes to applications are created and compiled to be prepared for the testing phase.

3. Testing: Testing automation via CI can save developers tremendous time and effort.

#Testing Image
Read 8 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Journée #Josy sur le #DNS

Premier à parler, @remasse (@AFNIC ) qui va exposer les grands principes.
Résolution #DNS (« ça doit marcher 100 % du temps ») puis cycle de vie du nom de domaine (pensez au renouvellement) pour lequel, dans un .fr, on doit passer par un BE (Bureau d'Enregistrement).

L'évolution du .fr : très petit jusqu'en 2004 car enregistrement très restrictif (« nous avions fini par prendre un .com »)

Depuis les réformes de 2004 et 2006, .fr décolle. Bientôt 4 millions de noms.
Read 32 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
Congrats to the full @RedHat team on a strong quarter! Here are Red Hat-related highlights I caught in @IBM's earnings last night. 🧵👇
- IBM's software revenue growth was led by @RedHat, security, automation, and Cloud Paks (which are built on @openshift).
"The one that performed exactly according to what we wanted was Red Hat."
- @RedHat revenue was up 17% (normalized) & 23% all-in
- Red Hat revenue growth was driven by double-digit growth in both infrastructure and application development and emerging technology. 📈
Read 7 tweets
Jan 14th 2019
There are just over two weeks left to submit a talk for #GR8Conf EU 2019 at

If you need ideas, here's a thread.

#groovylang #grailsfw #gradle #spockfw #gebish #griffon #springboot #micronautfw #ratpackweb #sdkman #android #devops #ci #cd #cfp #jenkins
Feel free to like/❤ a topic you’d attend and @ people you think should submit a talk on this topic. I have A LOT of ideas so I’ll spread this out over a few days maybe a week depending on how this goes.
1/ an intro to @spockframework

- using #spockfw in a polyglot organization including any tips/tricks for integrating with other languages like #Java and #Kotlin
- the top things you wish you knew when you started using spock
- good testing practices in general
Read 15 tweets

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