she asks council to consider housing this program with an existing entity.

increased funding for weatherization & energy efficiency should be top priorities.
the milton hershey school was founded for white male orphans. it now serves students of all races & genders.
“it’s a school designed for families that are in need.”
(it’s also in pennsylvania 🤷♀️)
“what can we do in central virginia, what can we do in charlottesville, to make leaders like yourselves” aware of that school & its opportunities.
he wants help making people aware of a school in another state.

“you say you’re a world class city. that means for all classes.”
she shows them a picture of the benches that used to be under the trees, which are long gone.
“this says if you don’t spend money you can’t be here.”…
the wrongs of the past must be addressed. residents have been working for yrs toward redevelopment “the time is now”
color me skeptical.
councilor bellamy on benches: everyone wants more benches but the board of architectural review is the one preventing that?
mike murphy says there’s a lot of history to this.
the metal, backless benches in front of city hall are ugly & uncomfortable. BAR wouldn’t allow them to be placed on the mall.
“yes the photos are out there. am i surprised? i’m not surprised.”
we need to challenge systems of oppression & we’re not doing a good job of that.

now hearing from the developer. there’s a powerpoint!

nikuyah asks about the affordable housing implications of the project. developer says the project doesn’t meet the threshold that would require them to have any affordable units.
“it’s irresponsible at this point for any developer not to include affordable units.”
wes says he does hear & value nikuyah’s comments.
now a public hearing on the emmet street streetscape.

a city staffer says there are plans to restripe the road but the majority of the problems are “just drivers not following the rules of the road.”
resolution passes unanimously.
barefoot says he’s glad wes made him aware of the history of soliciting donations to the monument fund. he’s protesting a bit too much.

wes floats the idea of forgiving the amount in part or in whole.
kathy wants to see a plan for the housing authority to be self sufficient.
signer wants to hear more about that. he says he wasn’t aware redevelopment was intended to guide the housing authority toward self sufficiency.…
anyway, back to the meeting i’m sitting in right now...…

she says city hall is a sacred space, “we can come here and have our voices heard.”
she isn’t answering the question, but is talking about the tom tom festival, which is named for thomas jefferson.
nikuyah says she refused invitations to attend tom tom for the very reasons outlined.