Celebrate the community's victories in establishing the #Charlottesville Civilian Review Board & speak out on its mission at the City Council public hearing.
WHEN Tonight*** May 21, 5PM
WHERE Freedom of Speech Wall (in front of @CvilleCityHall)

@CvilleBLM kicking off rally celebrating wins of CRB: “We demanded a better resolution & it passed. We demanded a public applicant forum &we had it. We demanded that City Council dissolve the ineffective citizen advisory panel &they did,”

We need a CRB with “real investigative powers,” calls for the abolition of white supremacy, abolition of the institution of policing.

How are we supposed to trust this new chief of police?” Katrina of @CvilleBLM asks.

@socialistdogmom: “What about everyday abuses of police in this town? Not just a11 & a12. Standing at this very spot a few months ago, an older homeless gentlemen was assaulted by CPD. His blood was all over the ground,”

“We will not and cannot accept a half assed review board.” We will not be a cover-up for them.
The Civilian Review Board must be independent of Cville PD.

Officers did not violate policy b/c police don't have policy to review their own misconduct. “We have a lot of fights ahead of us.”
“Im calling out Pleasants, Otis, Thomas, Thomas, Hickey...I have you all in my mind. I have your name & I will have your badge number.”
Independent report of CPD determined Pleasants was not authorized to order VSP to use tear gas on J8. His response, now infamous, "you're damn right I gassed them,"
Rosia points to the great debt that #Charlottesville and its major institutions owe Black people: “Cville was built on the backs of Black slaves.”
Doesn’t matter that this chief is a Black woman. What matters is transparency and relationship to community.”
Black residents of Cville have the right to complain but the decision comes back that the citizen is Wrong. 1/2

The crowd chants "#BlackLivesMatter."