The streaked tenrec also suffered no injuries (other than to its pride) against its battle with the markhor. #2019MMM

Two #ActualLivingScientists that study tenrecs are Drs. Soarimalala @vsoarimalala (…) & Levesque @dl_levesque. #2019MMM
He snuffles in the dirt right by the armadillo's burrow entrance. #2019MMM
The armadillo, who is coming out to begin his night of foraging, leaves the burrow & stops at the sight of this smol yellow-black thing at his feet.
Y'all know what's coming. #2019MMM
If the streaked tenrec was interested in pulling the armadillo out (& had hands), he would have a hard time, as the armadillo is currently bracing his feet on the burrow's walls for dear life. #2019MMM
He continues on his snuffling way, his spines clicking as he calls for his family. #2019MMM