#GameofThrones #ForTheThrone
King Robert rides to winterfell to ask Ned Stark to be his hand after the death of the previous hand Lord Arryn.
Khal Drogo marries Daenerys Targaryen
Jamie Lannister pushed Bran Stark from the window of the tower after he saw him with Cersei #GameofThrones

Bran survives the fall, an assassin is sent to kill him but is killed by Bran’s Direwolf.
Jon Snow leaves for the wall
Ned Stark, Arya and Sansa arrive King’s Landing
Prince Joffrey is attacked by Arya’s Direwolf after he threatens her. #GameofThrones

Bran regains consciousness but is having strange dreams.
Catelyn sneaks into kings landing with Rodrik to tell Ned about her discovery.
Daenerys who is now a Khaleesi is pregnant with a son for Khal Drogo

Tyrion Lannister returns to Winterfell with a gift for bran but isn’t welcome.
Eddard Stark begins investigation on the death of Lord Arryn
Tyrion is taken captive by Lady Catelyn #GameOfThrones

Catelyn Stark takes Tyrion Lannister to the Vale to be tried for the crime he’s accused of.
Jamie Lannister attack’s Ned Stark on hearing his wife has Tyrion. #GameOfThrones

Khaleesi is revealed as the unburnt
Tyrion is set free after he wins his trial by combat
Viserys is killed by Khal Drogo after he threatened to kill the Khaleesi #GameOfThrones
Ned Stark confronts Cersei with the truth about her children.
King Robert doesn’t return from his hunting trip in one piece. Joffrey becomes king and Ned Stark is betrayed and arrested
An assassination attempt is made on the khaleesi’s life #GameOfThrones

Ned Stark is arrested for treason. His men are killed, Arya escapes but Sansa is held captive by the queen.
Robb Starks matches south with his men in rescue of his father
Sansa pleads mercy for her father #GameOfThrones

Ned heeds Lord Varys advice and confesses to treason so his life and lives of his daughters can be spared but things go south as Arya and Sansa watch their father get beheaded
Khal Drogo is weak and falls off his horse
Jamie Lannister is captured by Robb

Joffrey forces Sansa to look at her Father’s head on a spike.
Arya joins Yoren and other prisoners on a journey to the night’s watch.
The night watch rides out beyond the wall
Khaleesi goes into the fire which doesn’t consume her but hatches her dragon eggs #GameofThrones

Joffrey executes all King Robert’s bastards
The night’s watch arrive at Craster’s keep
Robb Stark sends his term of release for Jamie to Cersei #GamesOfThrones

Tyrion strips Janos of his title as commander of the city watch and sends him to the wall.
Theon arrives the iron islands with an offer from Robb Stark. His offer and himself were rejected by his father.
Jon snow sees Craster give his son to the white walker #GameOfThrones

Catelyn Stark brings a negotiation offer from Robb Stark to Renly Baratheon
Lord Greyjoy sends Theon to take over winterfell
Grandmaester exposes Tyrion’s plan to the queen and he is removed from the council
Arya and others are taken to Harrenhal #GameofThrones Is

Joffrey humiliates Sansa to send a message to Robb Stark
Tyrion sends 2 whores to Joffrey who he assaults
Lord Baelish offers Catelyn her daughters in exchange for Jamie Lannister
Khaleesi is accepted into Qarth
Lord Tywin picks Arya as his Cup bearer #GameOfThrones

The red hair goddess helps Stannis Baratheon kill his brother Renly
Stannis takes over Renly’s soldiers upon his death
Theon sails to winterfell to overthrow Bran who acts as Lord in the absence of Robb Stark #GameofThones

Theon takes over winterfell
Baelish visits Tywin and Arya hides to avoid being recognized
Jon Snow finds a female wildling and spares her live.
The king and his people are attacked in the city after bidding farewell to Myrcella
Khaleesi’s dragons are stolen #GameofThrones

Theon and his men go in search of Bran and Rickon who fled after he took Winterfell
Jamie Lannister is set free by Lady Catelyn
Theon burns 2 kids who he poses as Bran and Rickon to command respect
Jon snow was led into the Wildlings den by the one he spared #GameofThrones

Theon’s sister comes to take him home but she leaves without him after he refused to leave with her.
Robb imprison’s his mother for going against him to set Jamie free
Jaqen H'ghar helps Arya and her friends escape #GameOfThrones

Stannis sails his ship towards Westoros for war
Tyrion devices a strategy that consumes most of Stannis’ ships
Jeoffrey cowardly walks out on his battle as instructed by Cersei
Lord Tywin helps them win the war #GameOfThrones

Joffrey gets engaged to Margaery Tyrell
Robb Stark marries Talisa Maegyr against his vow to marry Lord Frey’s Daughter
Bran and Rickon flee winterfell in search of their mother and brother
Khaleesi finds her dragons
The white walkers surface