#optionsbacktesting #opstra
Last 5 quarters
Short Strangle - 100% winrate , 30% returns
Short Straddle - 80% winrate, 46% returns

Results of last 5 years (21 quarters)
#opstra #optionsbacktesting

Win rate - 90%
Returns - 56%

An ATM call option bought when MACD crosses above zero and held for 10 days.

Short Straddle weekly options 1 day before expiry and hold till expiry.
Results for #Nifty (since inception) and #BankNifty weeklies (Oct2018-Apr2019)
You can backtest it here under Nondirectional method

Twist is to enter the trade only when IV Percentile is below 60 (that is under low IV conditions)
Results here

Short Straddle when Nifty goes below 200DMA and Nifty also below 10EMA and hold it for 20 days.
Results here

I will show more backtest examples and logic behind it, how to identify more patterns and pitfalls of this.
Register here
Short Strangle of 51 liquid NSE FNO Stocks on Friday close before the expiry week and hold till expiry. Last 1 year data.
Staggering results.
43/51 have positive returns - 84%.
You can check it under Non-directional backtesting method
Short Straddle when IV Percentile crosses below 90 and hold it for 10 days.
Interesting Results. Nearly 82% of 51 NSE stocks show positive returns with good profit factor and win-rates.
Check this under Technical Trading.