Dear Atfal and Fathers,
As you are all aware our beloved Toronto Raptors are playing in the #NBAFinals
Lets get together and support our team representing Canada’s Team!
#WeTheNorth #Game4 #Raptors #RaptorsvsWarriors #RaptorsNation

When: Friday June 7, 2019 @ 9pm
Bring your Raptors gear and lets represent together!
See YOU there! Insha’Allah
#WeTheNorth #RaptorsvsWarriors
FRIDAY JUNE 7, 2019 at Aiwan-e-Tahir
7:45pm Replay of Eid Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (May Allah be his Helper)
8:30 Pregame live stream
9:10 Maghrib and Isha Prayers
LIVE STREAM of Toronto Raptors vs. Golden State Warriors!