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Right before the French Days of #Agriculture 2023, let’s dive in the One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week!

💚 Follow me for 2 days amongst the inspirational programme’s Laureates!

#OnePlanetFellowship #JNAgri #research #climate Image
🚀 First, a global overview of the #OPF programme - @FondationBNPP has been supporting for 5 years! - by François Pierrot, Acting Director & Ly Ann Kauv Project Officer, from @Agrofondation, Olivier Dangles (@ird_fr) & Michèle Mbo’o-Tchouawou, Deputy Director @AWARDFellowship ImageImageImageImage
🌟 Key notions, challenges and issues reminded:
- New generation of researchers
- Gender equality in science & agriculture
- EU 🔁 Africa
- From local to global
- Capacity building
- Network
- Collaboration (North-South, AND South-South!) Image
Read 31 tweets
Your cash balance is the result of the decisions you make every day in your business.

If you're in a cash-burn mode, you must have a path to profitability. Understand the levers to pull with my 5 Pillar SaaS Metrics Framework.

Quick summary. #saas
I use my framework as a roadmap to financial transparency and better decision-making in SaaS.

Move from left to right. Right metrics for the right stage of your business. #metrics Image
Pillar 1️⃣ - Growth📈

Understanding the “layers” of recurring revenue is key to understanding growth.

➡️ New
➡️ Expansion
➡️ Contraction
➡️ Churn Image
Read 8 tweets
As a professional who helps startups find funding, I often ask my clients to talk to me as if I were a prospective investor.

I've compiled a list, and in this thread, I'll share the top 15 things startup founders should AVOID saying to investors.

#startupadvice #investorpitch
1/ "We don't have a clear revenue model yet, but we'll figure it out eventually."

Come on... no investor wants to hear this! Have a solid plan for generating revenue from the start.

#startupadvice #revenuemodel
2/ "We don't have any competition."

None? Not at all? Every startup has competition, even if it's indirect. Do your research and be prepared to discuss your competitive landscape.

#startupcompetition #knowyourmarket
Read 19 tweets
Heyy! #marineresearchers!!!!
Interesting discussion:
- Publishing in high impact factor journals?
- Publishing in journals maximizing the citations?
see tread below
#Impactfactor #metrics #scientometrics #science #citations
I have made a small research:
- Selected several journals with impact factors between 1.6 and 49.5
- Looking in Scopus for papers published in 2020
- Looking at the papers which didn't receive citations until now

and the results are....👇👇👇👇👇
You can see the results here:
- Papers published in Science didn't receive citations in 46.6% of cases
- In Nature this is 27.5%
You can be very happy publishing there, but maybe you will never receive a citation!!!!!
Read 10 tweets
Here's a personal story that goes along with my previous tweet.
For a long time I was focused on metrics, I made them the indicators of my success whether in blogging, life, or business.
Until I realized it was pointless to worry about how many people read my articles, it was simply something out of my control, what I could do though.....
was write 10 high-quality articles a month and those would get me to where I wanted. And so I acted.

Writing articles was something I could control directly. Bounce rates, views, and other metrics I could not.
Now I'm proud to say I surpassed my previous ........
Read 5 tweets
(1/8) This is the eighth update on this final stage of the evolution of Profit Sharing 2.0. 📢 📢
This week we are very excited. Users have been testing the interface for more than a week, and we are giving access to more users every day! ⚙️📅 💪 Image
(2/8) Hear the good news out loud: So far, #everything is working as planned and the feedback have been very positive! As we mentioned before, another positive thing is that all the visual work is complete since everything is finished from the #backend 🤫✨
(3/8) This week, we concentrated on four things. i) moving forward with the first #metrics for the service profiles. #Investors are now able to see the #evolution of the strategies before they start investing. We plan to add a lot of metrics going ahead ⌚ 🚀
Read 8 tweets
Continuing #LeBronWatch. The @Lakers have now played 7 games. How has #LeBronJames' performance changed our initial forecasts -…
Answers in thread
The possibility of LeBron getting to Kareem's mark by game 49 has gone up. Currently, the most likely range is game 48 to 52, with 80% of the results falling in that range. We are 94% sure that LeBron gets there by game 52.
There are very small chances that LeBron's quest extends into games 55, 56, or 57. Similarly, a small set of simulations (<2 percent) point to games 44 and 45.
Read 7 tweets
1/n In-match, win probabilities for the #IndVsPak world cup game yesterday. This was a nail-biter of a game with a huge swing in fortunes towards the end. The win probability forecaster (by @ESPNcricinfo) has some lessons in #ContinuousForecasting
#metrics #agile
2/n The forecast is probabilistic, not deterministic. It always (except at the end..more on that in a bit) talks about the probability of an outcome, not "This shall happen". It is not a single - "Ind will win" or "Pak will win".
3/n How about your forecasts? Are they of the type - "I will get this done in 5 days" or "I have an 80% chance of getting this done in 5 days"
Read 12 tweets
Dernière conf de la première journée #AgiLille sur la satisfaction client avec Adrien Vanderpol.
Le "client" normalement c’est celui qui va vous payer. Mais quand on parle de "satisfaction" ça brouille un peu les pistes. Orientez-vous vers les personnes les + à même de vous donner du feedback sur votre produit. #AgiLille
La satisfaction est extrêmement subjective et ses critères, pas forcément clairs pour l’utilisateur lui-même.
La satisfaction est également relative: les besoins peuvent varier en fonction du contexte, de facteurs extrinsèques.
Elle a aussi un caractère évolutif.

Read 15 tweets
Es todo un honor para mí ser el MC de este evento en @CodemoMadrid enfocado a hablar de Web Performance ⚡️

"La Web Performance no es una moda"…

Regístrate!, es gratis, conoceremos a grandes cracks y aprenderemos muchas cosas 😊

#WebPerf #PerfCrafters 🧵
Mastering web performance metrics

📅 3 Marzo
🕑 11:00 am CET
🎙 @carlesnunez

#WebPerf #Performance #Metrics Image
SEO y Web Performance

📅 10 Marzo
🕑 11:00 am CET
🎙 @guaca

#WebPerf #Performance #SEO #WPO Image
Read 5 tweets
Do you think your attribution model is correct? It's essential to understand attribution models to choose the right #metrics and optimize accordingly.

Find out in just a few clicks!🏃🏃

#EmailMarketing #Shopify #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #ecommerce @googleanalytics
Attribution models allow you to see how many #conversions are driven by each touchpoint in your campaign, whether it's a #social post, #email, or #ad.
This information helps you optimize your #campaigns by adjusting budgets and schedules for #ads generating higher #ROI.
Read 6 tweets
Our investing focus lies on two factors that we see prominent for the #India #markets.

#Momentum & #LowVolatility

Lets see why #LowVolatility.

A 🧵


#Investing #Volatility #portfolios
First up is straight out returns performance.

#LowVolatility portfolios have out-performed their market cap-weighted benchmarks.

The #LowVolatility #portfolio outperformance is persistent and shows prevalence over a long period of historical data.

#investing #volatility #LowVol

Read 9 tweets
Going to break-down how easy it is to use #autoML and more specifically JADBio AutoML. If you need an account to try it out, head over to and grab a free Basic plan. Ready? #data #ML (1/16)
STEP 1: You start by creating a Project on JADBio and generating all your study #data. That could either be data that has been processed and normalized by a #Bioinformatician, or public data available in the known data repositories (2/16)
If you’re using software for #molecular diagnosis like our Partner’s @QIAGEN OmicSoft Lands platform, your data is ready to be uploaded on JADBio. #ML 3/16
Read 17 tweets
Thread: Thoughts on #valuebased & #patientcenteredcare

Within #healthcare & #advocacy there seems to be a great deal of discussion on both #valuebased care & #PCC. #Healthcare costs have skyrocketed’ & thus a need to #reduce. I am not an #economist but as a #caregiver I 1/
definitely have seen ‘waste’. From my POV costs will continue to skyrocket even if #valuebased care is implemented. One reason (again not an economist) is the vulture ‘istic’ aspect of industries profiting from our system. The other reason is that our system is not centered 2/
around the #patient or patients needs. Thus, if the value based metric is reduced hospital admissions, this, on the face seems straight forth, however if the patients needs are not taken into account but only focused on established metric, costs could (& I will argue often r) 3/
Read 14 tweets
Buy Vs. Sell-Side Risk Information: Time to Differentiate between “Your Risk” and “My Risk” Reports
@CFAinstitute @GARP_Risk
Report Sample of Asset Allocation Analytics
Well, we all are accustomed to reading “Buy” and “Sell-Side” Investment Evaluation Reports prepared by Financial Research Analysts at various FIs such as Investment Companies operating in the Financial Markets.
Read 50 tweets
Let's talk about engineering metrics. There are 2 types of metrics you should look at when it comes to measuring the success of a software engineering team. More 🔽

#techlead #engineeringmanager #management #business #leadership #metrics #softwareteams
The first type of metric is qualitative which can be achieved by talking to customers. Many software companies use NPS (Net Promoter Score) to measure this. Looking at these metrics ensures your software engineering team is delivering value to business and customers.
The second type of metric is quantitive. They can be represented numerically and obtained scientifically.
Read 9 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/24/2021…
The COVID-19 response illustrates that traditional academic reward structures and metrics do not reflect crucial contributions to modern science…

#rewards #metrics #ScientificContributions
The Years of Work Behind Washington’s Best-Liked Man…

#TheFed #leadership #biography #OpEd
Read 10 tweets
To make fundamental changes in the behavior of a #SocialSystem requires its #agents adopt an alternative #purpose and #OrganizingPrinciples to those currently in place. If successful, this shift will create a new social system with significantly different #rules and #boundaries.
Any social system change process begins with a set of conversations among agents in the system about how to better apply its purpose and organizing principles. This leads to experimentation with alternatives, then modification of the rules and boundaries to adopt those that work.
Important topics for #conversation at the outset of an intentional #SocialSystem #ChangeProcess are those that bring #agents in the system together to recall and / or clarify the system’s #purpose and #OrganizingPrinciples then to either confirm them or challenge their relevance.
Read 10 tweets
#SriAgenda in 15min 🔔 #June30 10am CEST

Investors as catalysts of the climate transition | #COP26: Investor action on climate (Webinar 2) "@PRI_News @LSEplc…

#sustainablefinance #climatecrisis @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @Managers4Future @andytuit ImageImage
@PRI_News @LSEplc @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @Managers4Future @andytuit Investors as catalysts of the #climatetransition - #COP26: Investor action on climate (Webinar 2), just started with a ⚡terrific⚡ line-up of speakers for the 1st panel

#sustainablefinance #climatecrisis @LSEplc @PRI_News @UNEP_FI @GFI_green @GenerationFndt @COP26 @PreCop26ITA ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
How do you measure #SOC quality? 🤔

1. ISO 2859-1 (#AQL) to determine sample size
2. #Python #Jupyter notebook to perform random selection
3. Check sheet to spot defects
4. Process runs every 24 hrs
5. (Digestible) #Metrics to improve

How'd we get there? Story in /thread
I'll break the thread down into four key points:

1. What we're solving for
2. Guiding principles
3. Our (current) solution
4. Quick recap

My goal is to share what's working for us and how we get there. But I'd love to hear from others. What's working for you?
What we're solving for: All work is high quality, not just incidents.

On a typical day in our #SOC we'll:
- Process Ms of alerts w/ detection engine
- Send 100s to analysts for human judgement

Those 100s of alerts result in:
- Tens of investigations
- Handful of incidents
Read 10 tweets
I just posted a new working paper, with David Arnold (@PrincetonEcon) and Will Dobbie (@Kennedy_School)

It's called “Measuring Racial Discrimination in Bail Decisions”

Here's a short summary thread 👇 Image
Racial disparities are pervasive in the criminal justice system. But do they reflect racial discrimination, or unobserved differences in criminal behavior?

We develop new quasi-experimental methods to answer this question in the context of bail decisions
In most pretrial systems, judges decide whether to detain defendants after a brief case review. They seek to minimize the risk of future crime or failure to appear in court

In NYC, black defendants are 5pp less likely to be released than observably similar white defendants Image
Read 13 tweets

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