If u don't believe me, we can dance.
For starters name the 72 vaccines we give children in the first 18 years. In alphabetical order. Not DOSES (which is around 54 if u count flu.)
- Renée Gentry, lawyer who has been representing people filing claims of vaccine injuries for 18 years & co-directs the Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic at GWU law.


Many places you can sue in civil court even before any vax court.
Saying no liability is laughable and false.
One study used VAERS and did a rough calculation (48 incidents out of a pool of 75,000,000) which would place the risk level at .000064%, or .000000064 per 100,000.
So your sign is propaganda and a distortion by ommission.
Well, technically true but so can seat belts and car seats.
You need to show the percentages of the diseases they prevent. Otherwise your sign is propaganda and fear-mongering.

Seriously? How? What state doesn't give you any options outside of vaccinating? Having consequences for making bad choices is not "violating bodily autonomy" since anyone can choose not to vaccinate. SMH at this one!
The original MMR trial was vaxxed vs. unvaxxed! That's not a good placebo control?

You might be allowed to do so but we're also allowed to expose you for lying.
Kapish @joshbucky?
He cowardly blocks me because he can't refute me.
That should tell you all you need to know about him.
#micdrop #JoshLies