1. basics on cloud concepts.
2. Logging
3. Config mgmt
4. IR
Shared responsibility model is a thing.
AWS: CloudTrail, VPC Flowlogs (now with VPC mirroring), Cloudwatch metrics & alarms
Need to centralise life (can do with azure event logs as well). Single point to consume logs. Has benefit off-account DR. Gotcha: 20kb bucket policy limit.
Prior art: Sean Metcalf at BSides Charm “You moved to Office 365 Now What”
Office365: some logs not enabled by default
Inventory management “if you don’t know what you got, how can you Protect Ya Neck?”
Tracking Shadow IT. “Here’s this new account I added”
- prowler by Toni Blyx. “Forensic Readniess Test”
- Security Monkey by Netflix & cross-account role authentication
- commercial: Redlock
azure: federated identity from AD already.
considerations: MFA MFA MFA. Federated Identities. User Lifecycle Policies (tags & automation)
Incident Response:
- Have a per-cloud IR plan
- ensure IR team has sufficient access
- run game days & runbooks
Q: thought about automation of IR?
A: yes, valuable. Tools like margarita-shotgun to capture memory
A: yes, will tweet out a diagram @KyleHaxWhy & need to monitor closely