1. Spend 30% of your effort on skimming all student ML papers (e.g. Stanford NLP CS224n) the past 3 years and prototype your favorites
The idea is everything. Pick an area you are interested in and ideally something that has a visual aspect to it
Student papers are overlooked, easy to understand, and have good compute constraints.
Create an edge to the project. Apply it to something new and use FastAI or Keras to improve the accuracy with 5-30%.
Have a north star article in terms of structure and quality. Find something that stretches you to your utmost capability. I used @copingbear’s Style transfer article: harishnarayanan.org/writing/artist…
Invest a week in studying the strategies to rank on sites like HN and Reddit, then use them. If you have an interesting result and a great article, you've done the hard work.
Articles will market you 24/7 worldwide. You want them to be relevant for a decade. High-quality articles increase your reputation and spread easier on the web.
cc @remiconnesson @mehtadata_